Part 59: Everything is Okay

Depuis le début

"I love you-you-your gift, Zenitsu!" Nezuko finished.

"Oh... Well, this is okay too." Zenitsu thought.

"And I love you, Zenitsu!" Nezuko smiled.

"Y E S ! ! ! ! !"

These two were more than okay.


Mitsuri Kanroji slowly awoke from her slumber. Her whole body was in a raw, sore ache. Shinobu probably injected her with something, seeing as these wounds should be hurting a lot more then they are right now. She looked to the right and saw Muichiro in another bed. He was wrapped head to toe in bandages. He looked like a mummy. And to her right she saw Obanai. He was sitting in a chair next to her bed with his head down. He was sleeping.

"Good Morning." Mitsuri heard Shinobu say something behind her.

"Shinobu-san?" Mitsuri tried to lift her head, but she locked up when the pain flared.

"I wouldn't move if I were you. Those drugs can only do so much." Shinobu said.

"Obanai... How long was he here?" Mitsuri asked.

"He was up all night." Shinobu said.

Almost on cue, Obanai began to stirr.

"Mmmm.... Mmmm... Mitsuri... M- MITSURI!!!" He woke up, saw her, immedietly got up from his chair, flew forward and grasped her hand in his. "Areyouokay!? Areyouhurt!? Doyouneedanything!?" Obanai's words were so jumbled together that Mitsuri could barely understand him.

"Um... a cup of water would be fine..." Mitsuri said weakly. In a flash, Obanai dissapeared and reappeared with a cup of water. Mitsuri took it and strained to take a sip. After a few attempts to no avail, she gave ip and sighed. "Obanai... Could you-" Before she could finish, Obanai dissapeared and reappeared with a straw. "Thanks..." Mitusri smiled and drank the water happily.

"If there's anything you need, Kanroji-san. I'l get it for you." Obanai said.

"Simp." Shinobu thought to herself.

"Thank you so much, Iguro-san...!" Mitsuri smiled weakly.

"He's so sweet. He was up all night. And he took care of me." Mitsuri thought. "I wonder..."




"Are you the one Lefty-kun was talking about, Iguro...?"

These three as well were Okay.


Lefty awoke to the chirping of sparrows. It was quite early in the morning. Seeing as the sun was but an orange glint barely beginning to ride from the horizon. He slowly got up from their bed. She would wake up soon. He slowly lifted the blanket off of himself and slinked his way out of the sheets. Making sure not to wake her up. He brushed his teeth, washed his face, changed into something cleaner, and went out into the hall. After a bit of walking, he turned and slipped into the kitchen. Maybe he'd cook her something nice.


Lefty'd been cooking for roughly fifteen minutes. And was only a quarter to a half of the way to completing breakfast. From the way he was going, it seemed he'd be able to finish it by the time she would wake up.

"Good morning." Lefty's eyes widenned as her arms wrapped around him from behind. Somehow he hadn't noticed her.

"Good morning." Lefty said happily.

"You made us breakfast?" She asked.

"Just some french toast. It was supposed to be breakfast in bed." Lefty said.

"Oh, sorry." She apologized with a light chuckle.

"Well, I'll be done in half a half of an hour, so you can sit tight." Lefty said.


Lefty had finished the breakfast, and they ate it together.

After which, they layed down together on the couch and watched TV. He layed down on his back, with her laying down on top of him.

"I can't believe you convinced my dad to let us get married." She muttered.

"I convinced your brother Gyutaro didn't I?" Lefty responded with a little smile.

"I love you, Red." She whispered quietly. That was her nickname for him. He himself hated it, but was fine with it for the most part.

He sighed a deep sigh.

"I love you too. Ume."


"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!" Lefty woke up screaming and crying from his nightmare. Righty saw this and shot up.

"Aoi, he's awake and screaming!!!" Righty yelled into the hall.

Aoi ran back into the room and went to hold Lefty down. Righty held her back.

"He might hurt you, tell me what to do." Righty said to her.

"Okay, Hold down his arms!" Aoi said. Righty nodded and grabbed Lefty's arms arms, pinning them to his sides.

"AHHHH!!!! AHHH!!!!! AHHH!!!!" Lefty thrashed under Righty's grip.

In case you wanted to know, the side effects of Lefty's Red Asura form caused a large amount of blood to end up in places where it shouldn't be. In this case, his brain. All in all, the side effects of Red Asura are nightmares, hallucinations, profuse bleeding from the eyes, nose, mouth and ears, extreme muscle tears, potential broken bones, excessive internal bleeding, pain, painful pain, and other terrifying things that made Lefty not okay.

"Okay, now we have to make him unconcious somehow!" Aoi said.

"I got an Idea." Righty went. He suddenly raised one of his hands, made a fist, and planted it in Lefty's face. Causing him to pass out instantly.




"NOT LIKE THAT YOU IDIOT!!!" Aoi screamed.

"Huh!? But I did what you asked!" Righty shouted back in confusion.

"AAAHHH!!!" The shouting and screaming made Lefty wake up again.

Amongst the Screaming, the status reporter Kakushi stared blankly. He looked back at his notebook and began to write once again.

Status Report: Everything is not okay.

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