14 - gunshot wounds

Start from the beginning

Kayla was crying into my arm. "You are my sister." He cried. Dylan was trying to wipe the blood of my face.

"I'm so tired." I sighed knowing that was bad.

"No. Stay awake. For me? Please?" Kayla begged finding her voice.

I smiled but shook my head. "Cant." I groaned before my eyes fluttered shut and I welcomed death. My old friend.

Connor's POV—

I watched the light dim from my sisters eyes. "Luca!" I screamed. He came running.

"Shit. No." He let out a whimper at all the blood coming from my sisters body.

I picked her up. "She'll be okay." I whispered to myself repeatedly. I don't know if I really believed that.

We all started to run. "We have to get her to the hospital." Dylan's choked up voice spoke.

I gave her to him and climbed into the passenger. Everyone loaded in after Luca told the gang to go to the house.

"Guys, she's loosing a lot of blood." I heard my girlfriend cry. I bit my lip. Please. Not my twin. I begged no one.

We made it home and we all ran out of the car. Dylan has Cora in his arms. We bolted into the house.

I saw my mother and then I heard her scream. "My baby!" She yelled. We didn't slow down.

We made it to the hospital inside our house. The doctors looked panicked. They grabbed Cora from Dylan who seemed scared to let her go.

I dropped to my knees not caring. I stared at the blood on my hands. My sisters blood.

She jumped in front of a bullet for me. She might die for me. I let out a yell of anger, sadness, and frustration.

I heard footsteps. I heard my dad screaming at the doctors. I could hear Kayla screaming, banging on the door to let her see Cora.

Dylan seemed to be slumped against the corner. I looked over at Kayla again to see another doctor holding her limp body.

I started to panic, but then saw a syringe in his hand. Noticing another, I somehow made it my feet and took it from him.

Not wanting to have to wait and feel the pain, I stuck it in my neck. I instantly blacked out.

Dylan's POV——

I saw Connor stick the needle in his neck. I was quick to catch him as was Luca.

We shared a look. We helped him to a chair before returning to our frantic state. My mother was crying into my father. Screaming 'my baby'

Grayson was now bundled into Luca. He looked distraught bus confused. Luca looked beat down and I am sure I don't look any better.

I fumbled to my phone. I stared at Cora's blood on my hands. "Not my sister. I will do anything." I whimpered to myself.

I clicked on the name that said 'Zaine' the phone rang once. I put it to my ear. "Hey baby." Zaine's sweet voice rang in my ear.

I sighed feeling tears go down my face. "Zaine," I chocked. "It's Cora... she's been hurt. Please, I need you." I sobbed into my phone.

"Be there in 7." He informed me. I hung up. I put my head between my legs.

Why can't they give her a break. We just got her back.


"Dyl! Dyl! Will you come hide with me?" Young Cora begged her older brother.

"I am busy, Co." Dylan shook his head gesturing to his football game with Luca. "Go get Kayla to hide with you."

Cora sighed but walked away with a glum expression before running of to go hide from her mother.

Minutes passed and Luca went to talk to their younger brother Connor. Dylan joined them shortly.

"Hey, Dyl. Cora with you?" Connor asked smoothly. Dylan shook his head.

"Nah. She's probably with Kayla or something." The younger Dylan tried to say but was cut off with a scream.

Now altered Dylan and his brothers began running to the scream that could only be from his little sister.

Not seeing her only blood, Dylan's eyes widened in despair. He wasn't stupid. He knew his sister was gone.

Tears fell through his eyes. His normal joyful demeanor reduced to anger and sadness.

Without saying anything I stood up and started to walk out of the hospital room.

Before he left he heard his father speak in a sad but strong voice. "Make sure no doctors are in her room this time when she wakes up."


Always the optimist.

Weird. You know, him being a mafia leader and all. Dylan thought bitterly.

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