Chapter 1: The Child

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Seren awoke to the sound of a woman's voice. Seren was fairly human looking with messy black hair, deep red eyes, and an evil aura surrounding him.

Seren:What's going on?

He thought to himself. Who was he? Why was he here?

???:So you finally woke up

Seren stood up to the sight of a large grassy plain with a large table on top of a hill. He saw 7 women sitting at this table, watching him.

Despite the evil aura that came off of them they were quite beautiful. Seren started to blush.

???:Well come and sit down

Seren slowly walked up the hill and took a seat at the only free chair at the table.

Seren: who are you?

Echidna: I am the witch of greed Echidna , and we are the witches of sin.

Echidna:And by the way don't see us in a lustful way were technically related.


Seren stared at her with a confused look on his face.

Echidna:you must be confused so allow me to explain.

Echidna:you were created by the 7 of us bringing our authority's together into one being. We are your mothers and you are our child. 

Seren: A witch?

Echidna: Yes, a all of us have done things and have abilities that have caused us to be labeled as witches.

Seren: So I'm a witches child?

Typhon: That's right and I'd say I did a pretty good job as a mom

Typhon said giggling 

Echidna: We should introduce ourselves. You already know me Echidna, the witch of greed.

Echidna had a almost pure white hair that came down to her back as well as deep black eyes. She wore a simple black dress with a hairpin.

Typhon: I'm Typhon, the witch of pride, and the best mom ever!

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Typhon: I'm Typhon, the witch of pride, and the best mom ever!

Sekhmet: *sigh* just imagining you as a mom make me want to sleep this conversation away.

Seren: And who are you?

Sekhmet: I am Sekhmet, the witch of sloth.

Typhon was a little girl with green hair with a white dress, while Sekhmet was much older looking with long, unkempt purple hair, wearing a mostly black outfit.

Typhon was a little girl with green hair with a white dress, while Sekhmet was much older looking with long, unkempt purple hair, wearing a mostly black outfit

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