The Man Who Would Be King: Part One

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"Are you okay?" Dean asks.

"Yeah," you whisper.

You have to focus on what's important right now, and that is Castiel. If he truly is working with Crowley, then you can't trust him. It sucks that one of your good friends is turning into something you don't recognize, but you have to have facts before you diagnose him with anything.

"Hello, Dean and Y/N," Castiel says from the backseat.

You practically jump out of your own skin from the surprise, but at this point, you've gotten used to it. You remember when he did this when you first met him, and that used to scare the hell out of you. Now, it only makes you jump slightly. Same thing goes for Dean.

"Are you alright?" the angel asks.

"Yeah, we're fine. How are you?"

"Just wanted to check in."

"So, any word on, uh, Satan Jr being alive?"

"I'm... looking, believe me. I just don't understand how Crowley could've tricked me," Castiel sighs.

You know how... if he let him trick him. There must be some reason why he let him live.

"Well, he's a tricky son of a bitch, that's how," you chuckle. "It doesn't matter, but if he is up and kicking, then what does matter is finding him, ripping his head off, and shoving it up his ass."

"What about you? Have you found anything?" he prys.

"No, nothing yet."

"Where's Sam?" the angel notices the lack of the other brother.

"He's keeping busy," Dean answers before you could. "He's tracking a Djinn in Omaha as we speak. In fact, we're heading out there right now to meet up with him."

"Well, I'd come if I could."

"Yeah, no, we get it. No worries. But, Cas, you'll call, right? If you get into real trouble?" Dean asks.

The angel doesn't say anything more than a simple nod to let Dean know he understands him. He disappears a moment later, and it's back to being you and Dean. He should know what you and Amara talked about even if he doesn't believe in her or not.

"You know, I had another dream of Amara," you say shakily.

You're trying really hard not to cry right now. It's not because of Amara or what she said, but it's because your daughter is due in one month, and you still don't know where you and Dean stand.

"Oh yeah? What about?"

"She told me that our daughter is going to be a witch," you clear your throat noisily. "She said that she doesn't know when our daughter will get her powers because it's different for everyone, I guess. It took me until I was twenty-six to discover mine, so hers can be at any age."

"Well, she'll have a great teacher to learn from," he chuckles.

Tears build up in your eyes, and only two of them fall before you sniffle, signaling to Dean that you are crying. He looks over at you when he hears you cry, but you refuse to look at him. You know that if you do, you will break down crying.

"I just want to say something," your voice cracks. "My due date is in a month, and I don't know where we stand or if we will get better, but just know that I'm okay. I'll be fine. We can raise her together because she deserves both of her parents in her life, and I don't want to take that away from her."

You're full-on crying now, and it's the kind of crying that breaks Dean's heart. It's the kind of crying that reminds him of 10 Things I Hate About You when Kat Stratford is crying when she reads her poem in the front of the class, and her poem is clearly about Patrick Verona. He's only reminded of this because he recently watched the movie with you one late night when you couldn't go to sleep. You want to be fine, but he knows you aren't, and that is what breaks his heart.

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