"Any idea where you plan on taking them?" Oliver didn't restart the match. Scorpius sets the controller on his thigh, and leans back against the side of the bed.

"I'm thinking of finding Andromeda Black. It's Narcissa's sister." Scorpius tells him. "Orion is her grandson after all."

"It's so weird that Orion is related to you." Oliver grimaces. "I don't wanna believe it. I ship you two."

Scorpius ignored his words. An effective way of avoiding the subject. Raven had apparently explained who Orion was when Scorpius was gone all day finding the resurrection stone. Not that it was a secret. "The problem is that grandmother hasn't really talked to her sister much. And I'm worried she'll be as unhappy there as she is here. And even more, Andromeda is raising Teddy Lupin. And Harry Potter is his godfather. If Andromeda tells Harry where we are, it'll drag him back into our business. I'm hoping she'll choose her family this time."

"You can just stay here."

"I appreciate the offer, but we can't stay here forever. And this was an emergency." Scorpius traces his thumb over the groves of the bird on the locket hanging around his neck. "We're leaving tomorrow." He decided. After he'd get Michael.

He would switch bodies with Michael tomorrow. But he'd have to bring someone as backup. If Aries did double cross him, Michael would be stuck in Scorpius's body and vice versa. He considered taking Raven with him, but chances are she'd lecture him on trusting Aries. And someone needed to watch Narcissa as long as they were going to be at Oliver's. Her hatred of muggles wasn't something he was going to ignore. Oliver had been so helpful to allow them to stay here. He didn't deserve to be cursed just because he didn't have magic.

That left Orion. He may be a skilled wizard but he didn't know enough about Aries. Scorpius didn't feel comfortable bringing him. If Aries double crossed Scorpius while he was in Michael's body, he needed someone willing to go into that castle and rescue him. Someone who could work with Michael- who would be in Scorpius's body- to get in and out. Orion was clever. But Scorpius didn't know if it was the kind of cleverness that wouldn't get himself killed while saving others.

And then there was the knowledge that Orion's mind wasn't safe. If Aries approached him, and she had already betrayed Scorpius, there was no way Orion would know if she was trustworthy. He'd be susceptible to whatever lie she told him. Because he didn't regard anyone with hostility and warily.

Scorpius was annoyed with his options. Delphini may have a sound mind but asking her to help him with this? She barely knew him. And there was no way that she'd choose Scorpius over Aries if shit hit the fan. No. He needed someone who hated Aries. Someone he could trust with his life- and his body.

Scorpius looked up to the ceiling of Oliver's room as he thought. And he made up his mind who he'd take.


He slept soundly that entire night, probably the best sleep he'd had in days. And when he woke, he left bright and early. He was dressed for battle. A black tee shirt, jeans, boots, and the coat he'd gotten just the other day. The silver chain around his neck hid the locket under his shirt and against his chest. The invisibility cloak and the body switching herb was in the cloak pocket, but he left the Marauder's map and pretty much anything else with Raven.

He didn't need his cellphone on him, just in case it had a chance to ring during a time that would jeopardize Michael's safety. And he wouldn't need his wallet or anything else. He traveled as light as possible.

Scorpius used his wand to apparate to Godric's Hollow. He walked down the sidewalk to the Potter's house. Albus was the best person he could ask for this. That's what he told himself anyways. A small part of him may just want to bring Albus because he missed him.

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