"And why is that?" I heard a voice say behind me.

I turned my head around to see Draco standing behind me. My face had surprised written all over it.

He has come to the Gryffindor table once and that was when he asked me for help in Defense against the dark arts.

"Because you hate us Gryffindors." I said blankly.

Maybe it's the lack of food but my voice and face detected no emotion today.

"Yeah you guys are the worst but I don't hate you." He said. I could tell he was debating on sitting down at the table.

I hummed in response and patted the open seat next to me. He quickly thought to himself and then sat down next to me as he looked around making sure no one would see him sitting next to Gryffindors and two Weasleys.

Fred and George ignored him and turned their attention back onto me.

"Eat the cookie." Fred said. Apparently we were still on this topic.

I glared up at him and grabbed the cookie. I took the tiniest nibble out of it and looked back at him.

"There. Are you happy now?" I said with a bigger glare.

"Why won't you eat the cookie?" Draco said next to me.

"I'm not hungry." I said.

"She's being stubborn." The twins said at the same time as me.

I looked at both of them with a hard glare, wishing that they would just shut up.

Before Draco could ask any more questions Harry, Hermione and Ron walked over to us.

"Tonight?" Harry said to Hermione as he sat down.

I could feel Draco clenching next to me. His hatred for the three is unmatched.

"Yes Harry tonight." Hermione said rolling her eyes.

"What's tonight?" Fred said brightly.

Harry was about to answer until he saw Draco sitting next to me.

"Uh nothing." Harry mumbled.

Draco started glaring at the three and I could feel him about to say something.

"Don't do it Draco." I said to him quietly.

He scoffed and got up quickly and left the great hall.

"What's with you two?" Ron asked slightly disgusted.

"They're dating!" Fred and George beamed.

The trio snapped their heads at me and gave me blank stares.

"Why gem? He can't be trusted." Harry said coldly.

"Yes he can." I said sticking up for him.

"He has bullied all of us for years. Even you! He calls Hermione a mud blood, he calls Ron and the twins blood traitors, he makes fun of you for everything, he hates me because his family is a bunch of death eaters and I'm the one they want to kill, he thinks he's all that when in reality he's a huge fucking git!" Harry yelled at me.

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