Chapter XXX ~ Thonia

Start from the beginning

"The posters and invitations are everywhere! Yep, the theme is the fiftieth century—'Dare to Dream.'" She emphasized by waving the air infront of her. How come I had not seen the posters? The StuPub Layout Artists probably made the.

The door opened and I was shocked to see Rick opened the door for Liza, of course. Asaila followed my gaze and I instantly smiled when Liza looked at me. She smiled sweetly and waved. Rick also smiled but his eyes looked away. Asaila nudged my elbow. "No hard feelings?"

"None." I said because it was like another first time when I looked at them both and saw my friends, nothing more to describe them.

"Thonia," Liza walked to our desk and handed me a flyer with classic vintage design. Rick followed behind her. "Hope you can support the dance party next month." Rick was the president of the Student Council so maybe that's why she was supportive for her boyfriend.

I glanced at Rick but he was looking at the ground or at the edge of the table, wasn't sure. "I am not—"

"Sure we will!" Asaila got the flyer Liza was offering me and smiled widely.

"Great." Rick instantly said and finally took a look at me with a slight smile. "Don't forget to bring your dates if ever."

"Oh, and make sure you'll wear something that matches the theme." Liza added.

"Actually," Asaila showed her magazine. "Actually we were preparing for it as early as now. We feel excited."

"That means so much." Liza squeezed my shoulder and they sat on the free desks far from us to give more posters.

"Do you mean, you are preparing for it as early as now?" I corrected her statement because I honestly did not feel like coming.

"Don't be kill joy! This is a dance party, okay? We will burn the dance floor!" She said with ecstasy. "Wait, we will burn the eyes of boys first using our beauty before the dance floor." I laughed at how crazy my friend was.

"Do you think you can ask Art in?" I abandoned the Guinness Book of World Records and slouched on my chair.

She leaned her chin on her arms those were folded on the desk. "Probably," she said. "I am not good in asking a guy out first. It seemed inappropriate."

"You're the one who got the invitation, I guess it is fine."

She nodded and looked at me. When you received one of those suspicious stares, beware of what you might get. I fixed the loose strands of my hair and slapped her shoulder. "Shut up, Asaila. There's no way I will go with him."

Asaila laughed. "I didn't say anything, Thones."

"I know you very well, your thoughts and your words, even if you are yet to say them."

"Ugh, is that how much you love me?" Asaila attempted to hug me but I flinched.

The Librarian hissed at us. I stood and took Asaila's clingy arms. "Maybe this isn't our place. Let's go out."

"Out? Isn't it windy today?"

The weather forecast could be wrong. "I want fresh air."

"Fine!" she said and we went to the school playground just outside the building.

Just like the past years I was with Asaila, we hung on the swing set infront of a tree and a bench. Luckily, it was an irregular break that meant there weren't a lot of students outside the classrooms. I sat on one of the swing and she sat on the other. "I will miss this place when we graduate," Asaila said out of nowhere.

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