- Him -

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I've always been the quiet one, the one that was a "monster", the one that was "Weird", the one that was "quiet". The most strange thing I've been called is," carrier of the death note." The weird kid I guess I should say.

Hi, I'm Y/n, if I said nice to meet you, that'd be a lie.

My alarm squawked, forcing me to wake up. I groan loudly wiping the crust out my eyes. The room was quiet, per usual. My..... heart. Ha..... this oh so familiar feeling of....


It won't ever go away will it. No matter how hard I try I always remember..... no... not today. Today, we're going to make today good.... maybe?

I got ready.... by get ready I mean throwing on a sweatshirt and the same pants I slept in the night before, as well as brushing my teeth. I yawn walking down my runt down steps that made weird sounds.

Makes you think you're going to fall through it one day. Surprised my house hasn't collapsed on me yet. I made my way into the kitchen, I stopped and took in a deep breath. The cracked windows let in gentle sun beams, dust floating around in the air. The smell of wet wood rose its way to my nose. This smell......

I worked my as* off trying to raise money to get a better house but... it takes time. I've come accustomed to this style of living.

Who cares anyways.

Time to start this hike to college, fun. I opened the splintered 'door' and took a good look at the small city I lived in. The trees danced gracefully in the wind, the crisp blue skies with light and fluffy clouds perfectly placed.

Almost mimicking fluffy peaks of an uncooked pastry.

I close my eyes and tilt my head back lifting my arms up to both sides of me, feeling the tarte and sweet wind seize to my body. My hair danced in the wind, it ran so smoothly through the wind it felt like I was apart of it. I opened my eyes and put my arms back down to my side.

As soon as I lifted my foot, I was stopped in my tracks. Today........ it feels....... different. When was the last time I ever felt....... like something good was coming.

I placed the rest of my foot down, taking in another sharp breath and started my route. Kids cackled and sung, dancing enjoying the mornings glory. Ha..... I remember being that young, being able to worry about nothing but if my iPad was going to die or not. I miss that.

This city was small, and looked kind of like an island even though it wasn't. Lots of natural things and not a lot of transportation. You'd be lucky to have a car sheesh. As I walked down the hill that came up to my house, I remembered the bench in the small open space close around my house.

I remember there was always........... someone there.

He always sat there from 6:00 am to 7:00am. Funnily enough, he always grabbed my attention, every time I walked by. I'd always see his golden hair gorgeously swing through the air, so swiftly it reminded me of sweet golden honey mixing perfectly in hot tea. But he was always alone.

What intrigued me the most was......

There was something about him, he....... had the same hole in his heart

as mine.

That always intrigued me. He'd always come up in my mind. Of course I never saw his face since it was facing away from me but. His lustrous blonde hair that went to his shoulders, always was afloat in my mind.

I always wondered why he was so different from everyone, just like me. It always drew me closer because, maybe, I could have someone that understood.

I snapped out of it and kept walking. It had come to every day I was looking forward to see the snippet of his life that I could. I was looking forward, I never looked forward or cared.

I liked that feeling, it made me feel almost alive again so, I kept taking that route every day, just to see. Him.

I arrived after an hour of walking. The campus wasn't huge but it was suitable. I walked along the brick and shaded path, sighing. Why do I care so much? Why do I long for happiness when I don't deserve it. Why couldn't I just.... sigh.

I usually cooped up inside but, even though he usually wasn't there at this time, I still wanted to see if he was there. What's wrong with me, emotions are complicated.

I took a shortcut back to that tiny open space close to my house. I ducked behind the trees and peaked. I let out a huge sigh, of course he wasn't there. I stand up and walk over to the rusted bench and sat carefully, making sure my weight didn't break it.

Since it looked old.

Wow, this view is gorgeous from up here. No wonder he's here all the time. But, what is he thinking about sitting here for so long? I closed my eyes, enjoying the scenery trying to understand. "Excuse me." A feminine yet profound voice came from behind me.

My eyes shot open from the sudden startle in lost thought. Who is this? I turn my head to see a striking figure. Who- he sat down next to me, staring off at the mountains in the distance.


This aura.. it's so similar, full of Despondency that swirled around him. Why is this..

My gaze shifted to his face. My eyes widen and a hot hue of pink fabricated on my face. He's Gorgeous!Wh-?? Am I blushing? This isn't a feeling I've felt before. What-

I peeled my vision off him and too, stared at the mountains. His hair looked oddly familiar, the same one..

The same one that I saw every morning, blowing gently in the wind alone.

Could this be-

- end of chapter -

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