Anyways, there wasn't a lot of people that had been invited. The Avengers, Remus, The Potters had come. I don't want to bother the Weasleys, seeing as Molly probably has to take care of all of them. And the fact that I've lost contact with them so...

Harry and Athena hung out with each other, running around or just throwing a muggle ball at each other.

Oh yeah! James had also gotten Athena a toy quidditch broom. She'd been flying on it since she first got on it. And with her speed, I bet that she's going to be a chaser. Maybe seeker. Or any other postions, it doesn't matter because my daughters going to be amazing, especially with the Black Quidditch genes in her.

Overall it was a good day. She said she had fun, her exact words being "Can it be my seventh birthday already? I don't want this day to end".

Maddie and Lily would've been happy to see her now.

- written by dadfoot pads


Guess who's turning seven? ATHENA. Merlin she's grown taller now. Look at her picture this year and then last year. Oh no, she's growing too fast. Before I know it she's going to be off to Hogwarts and I'll be left with Prongs and Moony. My angel is going to leave me! I can't have that!

Anyways, this year I decided to dress up in a costume. Normally at muggle children birthday parties, there would be a clown there. So I decided to dress up as one. Actually, no I didn't. James forced me too.

So her, Harry and Neville - we bumped into him and Augusta at Diagon Alley and decided to invite them. Athena and Neville had been introduced to each other again since its been years since they last saw each other.

Back onto the topic. When I went downstairs to surprise them, Harry had started screaming and pointed at me. Athena screamed as well, but she grabbed my hand, dragged me outside and used the water hose and sprayed me with water. I got drenched with water. I asked her why she did that, all I got was "You looked scary so I made scary-you disappear".

A water fight happened after.

- written by the man who helped make Athena Black


Last year it was a water fight, can you guess what it was this year?

A bloody food fight.

I swear if it wasn't for magic, cleaning that would've been like detention with Filch again. Anyways, my little pup had turned eight this year. She's growing too fast. I don't like it.

The same people invited last year was invited again, this being the usual group. Neville had gotten closer with the two so that's good.

Cake had gotten everywhere in the dining area. I could've sworn I saw Athena take a piece of the wall and put it in her mouth. All I can say is that she got it from me. I did the same thing when a food fight happened back at Hogwarts. Which was probably worse. Pretend I never wrote anything.

It all started when Harry shoved Athena's face down on the cake. She finished blowing the candles, then as soon as Harry removed the candles, he pushed her head down on the cake.

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