Chapter LVII - Unlikely Allies

Depuis le début

The collar around her neck stripped her of her powers as long as it was active and it was most assuredly, active. If it wasn't and the mysterious groups aim was to kill she'd be more than able and confident to take them on alone. However, with her powers contained and their aims unknown, Frost didn't exactly feel confident in surviving if they had come here to kill her.

But Crystal didn't get anymore time to think on it as the doors to the back of the van were kicked open, the top one which would have been right door being ripped off revealing Ravager. "Killer Frost?" The young mercenary said and Frost nodded her head knowing that it was best to be cooperative for now. "I'm getting you out here, but I expect your help."

"Get me out of these cuffs and get this fucking collar off me and I'll help." Frost replied and Ravager nodded her head, raising the bloody broadsword held in her left hand and cutting cleanly through the cuffs. Rising to her feet, Frost robbed her sore wrists and then indicated to her collar and with a nod, Ravager took hold of it in one hand and ripped it off.

The motion jerked Frost off-balance and she glared at Ravager slightly and almost considered using her powers to get out of here, but quickly reconsidered when the blade was rested on her shoulder.

"Don't even try it." Ravager warned lowly, sharply pulling the pistol from her hip and firing at the the guard who had slowly come round from his unconscious state. "You're coming with me."

"And what exactly do you want my help with?" Frost asked as the two stepped out onto the street and she took a moment to take in the sight of the ten police officers all scattered across the ground, some of them had limbs missing and blood pooled out from their wounds. It was certainly impressive, but she didn't feel scared. With her powers returned she was more than confident in her ability to take on Ravager, she just needed to put some distance between them first.

"We're going to free, Naruto."

"Oh, what sort of trouble has he gotten himself into that would need my help?" She questioned, internally wondering if this was the other girl he had feelings for her.

"I don't really feel like explaining this twice, so let's just hurry up and go." Ravager said.

"Oh, so that means we're going to get someone else. Who would that be?" Frost asked curiously following Ravager out into the field where she found a helicopter waiting for them. "Not going to answer? Okay, can you at least tell me where we're going?"


-X- Line Break -X-

Saturday 4th July, 16:15.


Location Unknown.

Leaning back, Slade allowed himself to enjoy a brief moment of rest from his training. Over the course of the last eight months, things had been relatively calm. He had performed a few missions with Rose accompanying him and she had performed well. Very well in fact, especially with her vast improvements in training, she had in fact grown to a level where she would be able to match Naruto in terms of hand-to-hand combat.

From what he knew of Naruto's current situation, he hadn't even being conscious since he was first delivered to his contractor.

"Slade." Looking back over his shoulder, he saw Wintergreen entering the living room. "Rose hasn't returned from her 'walk.' It's been two hours." Slade nodded his head and turned to look back out the window. "Shall I bring her back?"

"No, that's fine, Wintergreen." Slade responded. "I already know where she's going."

"I see." Wintergreen inclined his head and left the room leaving Slade alone once more.

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant