Chapter LI - Rose Wilson

Start from the beginning

"What? I didn't even try to sneak up on you, it's not my fault you're so distracted." She replied with a shrug of her shoulders as she walked up to Naruto, taking the gun from his hand and aiming. In quick succession the remaining eleven bullets whizzed through the air and struck the targets. However, unlike Naruto they were a little more inconsistent in their positioning.

"Your aims still off." Naruto pointed out as Rose clicked her teeth in annoyance.

Taking another clip, Rose reloaded the gun aimed. "So what's got you so distracted, dad was complaining about it." She then fired and again the spacing of the bullets was a little off.

"I'm pretty sure Slade doesn't complain." Naruto found the very thought amusing. "But it's nothing, I'll be perfectly fine for tomorrow." Naruto answered with a shrug and Rose gave him a smirk.

"You better be. Tomorrow's our first mission and I won't let it end in failure because you're still hung up on your girlfriend."

Naruto released a sigh and took the gun from Rose. "I should never have told you about that." He said getting a small giggle from Rose, though she would once again kill him if he called her out on the sound. She really was violent and scary for a lithe fourteen year old. But then again, this was a fourteen year old girl who could lift half a ton with ease.

"I know, but you couldn't resist my charm." And by charm she meant brandishing her broadsword with the same glare she always had that promised death by castration and demanded to know who Barbara Gordon was.

"Charm? Is that what you call it?" He teased getting a glare and a sharp punch to the shoulder in response. "Alright, alright." Raising both hands in a sign of surrender, Naruto turned to face the targets and took aim once more. In quick succession the bullets fired from his gun and ricocheted off the metal plates shaped as humans leaving a a bright red spot in the place it hit. "See, I'll be perfectly fine, better than you anyway."

Scoffing, as Naruto twirled the gun lazily in his hand, Rose crossed her arms over her chest once more. "So you're good at shooting guns, big whoop. I can still beat your ass with swords any day of the week."

"That is unless I bring Sais to the table." Naruto shot back with a smirk, naming a traditional Japanese weapon known as a sword breaker.

This in turn caused Rose's scowl to become more prominent which was exactly what Naruto wanted. "Kusarigama."




One after another the two named weapons upon which they had proved time and time again throughout their many spars that they were better at than the other. And while Naruto remained calm with his cocky smirk in place, Rose was becoming more irritated and flustered.

Unlike Naruto, she wasn't experienced in keeping herself calm under pressure. Naruto himself hadn't been so good either when he started out as Black Hood, but it had been something he had been working on. The serum and the enhancements it gave to his mind coupled with his own experience allowed Naruto to keep calm when under pressure far easier than before.

"At the end of the day though, we both know that in hand-to-hand, there's one clear winner." Naruto stated victoriously and Rose blushed in embarrassment, temporarily halted at the reminder of the many defeats she suffered at unarmed combat before her glare came back in full force.

"That's only because you're older, asshole!" She exclaimed angrily. "You're stronger and have a longer reach. Take that away and I'd wipe the floor with you."

"Whatever makes you feel better at night." Naruto shot back. "But it doesn't change the fact that I am the one that wipes the floor with you on a consistent basis. Just let that sink in for a little, I know it must be difficult for you, but don't worry," he learned forwards and mockingly ruffled her hair. "I'm sure you'll be able to win fair and square in say, oh I don't know, a hundred years or so from now."

Injustice Book 1: A Journeys Beginning (Naruto + Batman Comics crossover)Where stories live. Discover now