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  Aloha! Guys, 

Dear all my cuties readers,
Thank you so much guys sebab sabar menunggu cerita ni update. Lama nakmampos kan? Sorry sangat-sangat. And finally habis pun kisah BellZayn yang sumpah merapu mengarut kan. So, apa yang author nak cakap is korang is the main reason why I still here. Korang tau tak? Dulu, saya pernah publish 2 story and saya tak dapat sambutan langsung weh. And memang down gilaaaa. Sedih tau hahaha. Tapi alhamdulillah berkat sokongan korang SEDUCTION did it.

Saya ingat tau semua voters story saya, yang setia comments dekat story saya, ada yang DM tanya bila nak update OMGGG its really made my day!! Thanks tau sebab sudi 'pop out' my notification! Author sayang gila kat korang tau

TTTTaapi guys, sebenarnya, author ada terfikir nak buat special chapter sebab ada lagi beberapa scene yang author tak sempat nak include dalam mana-mana chapter tapi korang boleh tunggu kejap? Hehehe nak kumpul idea balik. Jangan buang this story from library korang lagi boleh? Kalau sudi lah heh. 

ANDDD kalau author buat next story, korang sudi baca tak? Kalau sudi baca tau, tapi tak sure lah bila ><

Last but not least, sorry kalau ending cerita nak memenuhi imaginasi korang. I've tried my best and ni je yang I dapat bagi. And no other word other than THANK YOU SO MUCH because always made my day!

your favorite author forever >.<

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1) Your rate for this story out of 10 ?

2) Your favorite character in SEDUCTION ?

3) Your favorite scene in SEDUCTION ?

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