CH 48 - Trust

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The night air was cold, embers flying when a log moved in the fireplace as it burned. The gathered were silent as the Queen spoke of the old lore of her people, the Prince asked questions and she answered. Days had passed since their first meeting, time to rest was passing and it was time for answers.

The Earl was vigilant these past days, never allowing the Prince from his sight, but he had set many things in motion and it would soon be time for him to begin the final trek.

"Over time they realised there was more to protect, they found the places of power. Land seeped in magic that could be used, magic that took no sides and burned everything in its path. The tribes travelled to these places and kept watch over them."

"The forest here is one?"

"Yes, we are tasked with guarding the Arc." She answered Prince Arthit. "Protection, in case someone tries to misuse the power. Another is the Heart."

"The hospital?" Arthit looked worried. "Is that why we have so much trouble watching over it?"

"I sealed it."

"We are aware, Blood Prince." She hesitated to carry on, but did after a moment. "You used a second magic to aid you and not here so it has..."

The look of fury in the Blood Princes eyes silenced her, her age making her wise enough not to mention the man's name.

"Why not come to me before?" Arthit asked.

"We were told to wait." She replied. "And we could see, your heart and soul were in pain. You were not ready."

It was his mothers wish, they respected it. She looked at the man who was but a shadow, she would not ponder his secrets, they were his. The Queen stopped talking, coughing into a handkerchief, looking frail. Because what her soul was, she lived longer than a normal human life.

"You said arc." Arthit looked at her. "Where is the third point?"

"Other side of the city." Earl Kongpob finally spoke. "The headquarters of Harrow Construction."

"Magic calls magic." She smiled. "Even when unaware."

"Does it now." Something sparked in the Earls's eyes as he smiled, turning to watch the figure standing in the doorway. "You should come to introduce yourself."

She watched her grandson move at the command, even with his face covered it seemed the Earl noticed. The boy bowed to them both, the prince sat up seeing him.


"My grandson." The Queen introduced them. "Your uncle found his place with us, he is one of his descendants."

Arthit watched the young man, sadness in his eyes. She understood, the longer you live the more you have to let go. Not all want to be immortal and not all can be saved.

"It is time." The Earl watched her. "Return what I entrusted to you."

The Queen nodded, turning and signalling to her grandson who left quickly. The stars were shifting, a change was coming and her time was getting shorter. She hoped it was long enough to see the end of this story.


Granny POV

You read words in books but you feel safe because that is all they are, words on a page and they will not hurt you. But in her world now, the people of fantasy were real and the man who stood before her was dangerous.

The young boy named Tan kept her hidden near the beach in a cave for a few days. He was on his way to what he called the Alpha house but changed his mind seeing visitors. She didn't know who those peoples were, buy Tan was afraid of them.

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