"You should be focusing on the battle more." Bakugo yells as he blasts me away. I use my light bursts to slow my movement, thankfully evading getting out of bounds at the last second.

"Oh, don't worry. My focus is entirely on you." I zoom towards him and, in a second, change direction to get behind him, but I must have done something wrong because I get sent back again by a punch.

"I told you I would return the favor." he laughs. How did he hit me? I used my speed... "I'm slowly getting used to your speed; I can almost tell where you will show up next and when." he smirks.

He's keeping up with my speed? That's impossible! He can't be... Is he calculating it? All the hits he's taken from me, he was doing that on purpose. To read my speed and distance... he calculated my moves.

"Your moves can be predictable (Y/N)." he informs as he stands ready for my attacks.

"I don't need you to tell me that." I get annoyed at the new discovery and go at him. I'll just go faster, he'll need to recalculate everything, and that will give me time to get some hits in, and if I'm lucky enough, he will go down.

I take in a deep breath and concentrate all my energy into my body. I need to give it my all, no holding back at all. I'm not using my light to attack, so it shouldn't cause any harm to him. I'll just run with my full power and just give him a normal punch.

I can do this.

My light turns to Blue-Violet again since I'm more concentrated now. I look at my target and zoom towards him, I circle him for a few moments to find an opening, and I go for it. I aim directly at him, and once I'm close enough, I go for the punch.

Suddenly I feel myself slowing down. I got distracted by that, and I miss noticing Bakugo turning towards me and hitting me with his explosions. I fly all the way to the edge of the arena, out of breath and trying to catch it.

"What happened, huh? Did you get scared and backed out?" he taunts me, something I despise.

"Shut up; you will lose." I try to say while down on my knees, but I was too out of breath for it to come out as a full sentence. I don't know what happened... this has never happened to me before. My speed, my quirk, it has never failed before.

I look down at my hands and try to activate my quirk, but nothing glowed. Why is my quirk not working?! I try again, but nothing is working. I don't feel anything in my body; it's like I'm... drained?

That can't be... Me? Drained? Does my quirk even have something to be drained out?

My breath isn't calming down, and this issue isn't helping it at all. I keep trying to get my quirk to work, but it just won't work. "What's taking you so long? Do you give up?" I hear him say, I look up at him, and his stance is still on defense. He hasn't let his guard down.

I need to win; I need to beat him and win! That is the only way he will acknowledge that we are equal. I keep pushing to activate my quirk, but the next thing I know, everything turns black.

All Might's POV:

The fight between Bakugo and (Y/N) was so intense, I couldn't sit back on my chair. I've seen the way she is when he is around, the way he pushes her to do more and give more. Bless Young Bakugo for that, but it also worries me that she might lose control at some point.

I had hoped they wouldn't go against each other at the festival, but that didn't work. Things were going well, I guess, it was going too fast for my taste, but I knew it would be something like this with these two. No one knew how wrong this fight could go; no one except me.

I kept watching her, watching her colors, her moves. I just wanted to keep an eye on her and her emotions. Of course, I couldn't see her expressions very clearly from up here, but thankfully her colors showed me how her mind was doing.

Suddenly (Y/N) flies off to the edge of the arena, and she's on her knees, looking down at her hands. Her quirk isn't working anymore; she's drained. She's out of stamina; her body won't allow her to create light.

The fight should be over now; she won't be crazy enough to face Bakugo without a quirk. I see her continue to struggle to get her quirk to work; I get a feeling this isn't going to end well. From what I know, she has never experienced drainage; she never had the chance to go this out.

I get off my seat and get closer to the window to see better. Oh God... please, not now. Suddenly her head drops, and she stops moving. Oh no... "Oh, Shit!" out of panic, my American accent comes out.

"All Might? What's wrong?" Thirteen asks me.

"I have to go, Sorry Thirteen." I don't have time to neither explain nor waste time on anything. I need to get to Aizawa and Present Mic and stop this battle before it's too late.

I run in my normal form around the stadium while keeping an eye on her condition, hoping nothing changes till I get to them. As I am running, I see Midnight approaching (Y/N) and talking to her. But if I'm right about this, she needs to step away from her now; she won't respond.

Just as that thought crossed my mind, a burst of air comes from (Y/N), and Midnight gets blown away! I need to hurry, it's here! I run faster, pushing the people out of my way. Thankfully everyone still thinks it's part of the battle, so no one is panicking.

I bust the door open and walk into their room. "Aizawa! Yamada! We need to stop the fight now."

"Yagi? What's going on?" Aizawa asks. I point to the arena, and we all see the once crouched (Y/N) now standing with her arms spread out. This is really bad... Especially here.

"Wow! Does (Y/N) have another quirk?" Yamada asks.

"No! Yes? No, technically no. I don't have time to explain; this fight is over." I tell him and take the microphone from him. "Midnight, it's All Might! Are you ok? I need you to dust yourself off and stop this fight immediately. Young Bakugo, listen to me, you need to leave now! Don't engage her, dodge all her attack, and get away from here." I hear the crowd get excited over the sound of my voice; I can't have them panic now.

"Don't worry everyone, everything is alright. Just kids getting excited. You are all safe; we all are... safe." I look back at Aizawa and cover the mic with my hand, "They are right? We got this under control?" I whisper to him.

Aizawa looks at me confused, and I remember that he was told about her issue but never told what it really was. "Yagi, what the hell is going on?" he finally asks.

"I can't explain now; we need to stop her now! Your quirk might be able to help? I'm not sure, but we need to try. If Midnight is alright, then that will be perfect." I tell him and look back to the arena to see the situation. 

(Y/N) seems to have targeted Bakugo; he didn't get away fast enough. Daggers appear in half a circle around her, awaiting the orders. Bakugo is still frozen or shocked in place; he won't move. She extends her hand towards him and lifts her wrist straight, pointing at Bakugo. Here it is, here it comes!

"Young Bakugo! Dodge with all your strength!" we need to get him out of here.




What just happened? What happened in the battle? Will Bakugo be okay?

See you soon!!!

*PikaJovi* (^0^)/

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