The official quartet
Alex - guys! I'm home next week if you have any free time?
George - count me in! I will find time right Mols?
Lando - what are we gonna do?
George - pizza obviously!
as I read the last message I hear Lando's feet on the staircase "Mols you up for pizza night next week?" He asks barging into my room "Lands I'm in the group chat, but yes of course! I've missed Alex!" He nods before typing on his phone, ping.

Lando - just spoke to Mols, she is in
Me - I'm in this chat Lando! But yes I am in

Lando starts giggling "you look so grumpy" he mumbles "well I can speak for myself Mr Norris" he rolls his eyes "okay grumpy guts" I fling a pillow at him and he retreats out of the door "I will be back later" he shouts as he dashes downstairs. I didn't actually mind but it's quite fun winding him up! I chuckle before turning my attention back to my laptop.

"Lands I'm gonna make a start on dinner!" I tell hoping he doesn't have his streaming headphones on "okay" is the muffled reply. I open the fridge to see what I have that I can cook for dinner, there's loads of veggies and some chicken so I think I will make a creamy chicken and veggies pasta. I pull out onion, garlic, broccoli, baby corns and peas which should be enough and place everything on the side before turning back to grab the chicken. Suddenly I feel hands on my waist "Hey Mols" he sticks his head next to mine and it causes me to grin. We have been getting closer over the last couple of weeks, it feels natural so I'm hoping if we are meant to get back together that perhaps we will just slip into it instead of having to keep talking about everything. Lando pulls me out of my thoughts "what we having?" He questions letting go of me to inspect the veggies on the side "creamy chicken pasta and veggies" he grins "sounds good" he places a kiss on my temple before loading the dishwasher with the dishes from today. This is how we split the chores he washes up and I cook! It's a win win situation as I hate washing up and he can't cook.

A few days later

It's the Italian GP this weekend and I'm dreading being surrounded by the tifosi for the whole weekend. It's been a couple of months since the break up and him and Charlotte have gone very public and people have been commenting that they are surprised me and Lando aren't back together yet. Not that it is anyone's business. I'm flying out with Williams tomorrow evening and Lando is on an earlier flight with McLaren, I miss flying together but I'm glad for George's company! I still share a room with George every weekend due to James still being a lingering threat. It's not a secret that I don't like staying on my own so Lando and George and sometimes Max make sure that I'm never alone.

"Right Mols I need to head to the airport are you coming with me now?" We had been debating this as I will have a 3 hour wait at the airport before my flight but I don't want to be here alone "yeah I'm ready just let me grab my coat!" He huffs at me from his position at the front door, I pull my baby pink denim jacket over my shoulders and grab my suitcase from where Lando placed it at the bottom of the stairs "right let's go" he herds me out of the door "are you gonna grab some dinner at the airport?" He asks me worried "yeah, I'm meeting Max as he is on my flight" Lando smiles "it's cute that you two are becoming friends" I laugh "mainly because he has never been able to stand Leclerc" Lando agrees with me and pops my playlist on as we drive the couple of hours to Heathrow. We go through check in and security together before Lando spots Jon in the waiting area "Jon!" He yells rushing over "Hi Lando, Molly how are you guys?" We both respond "good" he smiles "you back on the McLaren flights now?" I shake my head "my flight is later on, was just easier to make this journey together" he nods and I'm glad he doesn't ask more questions as I don't want to explain James. "We need to get to the gate, when are you meeting Max?" Lando asks me "4pm, I will grab some food whilst I wait" Lando nods "can you let me know when he is with you, to stop my worrying?" I nod and he pulls me in for a hug "see you at the hotel?" Again I nod "bye guys" I gesture for them to go otherwise he will miss his flight. They head off towards the gate and immediately I get a message, assuming it's from Lando I check immediately

Max - Mol I'm here, next to Pret

I dart my eyes across the airport and see pret and work my way over to see my new favourite Dutchman waiting for me "Hey Max!" He grins when he looks at me "Mol! How are you doing?" He asks pulling me in for a hug "I'm okay, how about yourself?" He smiles "looking forward to this weekend!" He is always pumped for a race weekend, it's quite sweet actually "have you eaten?" He shakes his head "Nando's?" He nods and we make our way over. I send Lando a quick message.

Hey Lands, I'm with Max we are going for a Nando's! I hope your flight is okay, I can't wait to see you at Monza! Only a few hours but I still miss you! ❤️

We enter and order before taking a seat at a table "how are things going with Lando?" He asks me "they are back to how they were before which is a relief" he gives me a knowing look "hasn't managed to win you back yet then?" I giggle "we are definitely closer again but he knows I need time and space" as I finish my sentence a message from Lando and one Daniel pops up on my phone screen "Avocado?" Max queries "Daniel" I explain he looks intrigued as I open the message

We enter and order before taking a seat at a table "how are things going with Lando?" He asks me "they are back to how they were before which is a relief" he gives me a knowing look "hasn't managed to win you back yet then?" I giggle "we are defin...

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Avocado -
Smiles! I take it you just sent Lando a cute message 🤢
Me -
none of your business Avocado 😂

Lands -
Thanks for letting me know, I miss you too! See you in a few hours in Italy, stay with me tonight? Enjoy your Nando's ❤️

I would love nothing more, see you in Italy my favourite boy ❤️

The slight blurry image of my favourite boy makes me heart ache and I can't wait to see him in a few hours. Max is looking at me expectantly and I show him the message from Daniel "this is like the meme - find someone who looks at you the way Lando Norris looks at his phone when you message" I mean doesn't quite roll off of the tongue but I get his idea "I suppose it is!" He is laughing as our food arrives "I still don't understand how you order your food in hot spice, I can't even handle medium" he tells me and I roll my eyes "I add Tabasco to pretty much everything I eat" he wretches at me before we both tuck into our early dinner.

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