Thankfully, Aizawa finally spoke for the first time and told that bastard to quit his hero job. He explained to everyone how serious Bakugo is and how he is taking Uraraka very seriously. I look closely at him, and my whole body started shaking in anticipation.

I want to fight him; I want to stand there and have him take me just as seriously. I want those blood-red eyes boring into me, trying to read my moves and anticipate them. He looked so good in his sports uniform and those boots, but the look on his face... the seriousness and fierceness.

He really is the full package...

Deku's surprise makes me look at him and out of my thoughts about Bakugo. I look towards where he's looking, and I finally understand what Uraraka was planning. She puts her hands together, and all the debris from the fight starts falling towards Bakugo.

How is he going to dodge it?

At the same time, Uraraka runs towards him. However, Bakugo simply aimed his hand towards the debris and supported it with the other. He lets out this massive blast that sends hot air all over the stadium.

I can confirm how hot the air was, which wasn't the only thing that was hot...

I then notice him holding his hand; it didn't seem okay. Did he over-exert himself with that blast? "His hand..." I let out in almost a whisper unconsciously.

"Did you say something (Y/N)?" Deku asks me, but I just shake my head. No one needs to know if that was true.

The fight was basically over after that; I lean back into my chair as Midnight announces him as the winner. The first round was over, and we get a break before the second. Plus, they need to fix the arena after Bakugo's work.

I see Bakugo enter the stadium. I get off my seat and make my way to meet him. That was one hell of a fight, and I wanted to personally congratulate him.

I run down the hallway and bump into him as he's going up the stairs. "There you are!" I stand on top of the stairs.

"What are you doing here?" he doesn't look very happy...

"You shouldn't let those negative stuff get to you, you know." both of us start walking towards the stands.

"What the hell are you talking-"

"Don't bother Bakugo. I wasn't fighting, and I wanted to kill every last person who booed you out there. I even snapped on a few classmates. You don't need to put a tough act with me." I stop him from walking, and we stand in the hallway.

"Why would you do that? It has nothing to do with you. Plus, I'm used to that shit. I don't care." he says as he leans on the wall.

"Nothing to do with me? Bakugo, you're my friend! I will care, whether you like it or not." I get closer to him and stand right in front of him. "Just because you're used to it doesn't mean it doesn't hurt." I look into his eyes, "I know it's annoying to admit it, I'm like you. I hate talking about all this mushy stuff; we prefer to keep our strong face on. But it doesn't hurt to share with someone we trust."

He keeps eye contact, but he doesn't say anything. I couldn't tell what was in there, what he was thinking at all. "So, you trust me?" he finally says.

"Well, yes. I told you the truth about what happened to me; I don't just share that." I was confused by his question. I thought it was given? I mean, I told him I didn't like talking about it...

"Not completely. We both know you didn't share the details on purpose." his eyes are boring into me; I was supposed to be the one putting him on the spot.

"Okay, yes, that's true. I told you before, I hate talking about it; I hate thinking about it. I hate the topic in general. But you don't see anyone else in class who knows about it other than you, do you?" why was he being like this?

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now