Chapter 3: Home

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This is gonna be a smaller chapter, but I thought I'd post more chapters. :)

Dream still gripped onto George's wrist to lead him where they needed to go. George was still unsure about trusting Dream. Of course the boy had saved his life multiple times now, but that doesn't change the fact that he could be turned in any moment by him. However, he had a deep feeling in his gut telling him he should trust him. His life depended on it.

They walked through the back alleys of the city and snuck through small areas so they could avoid being seen. It amazed George how much Dream knew about the city and how to get around without being seen.

It was sunset when Dream led him down one last alley. They were at the edge of the city where the walls divided the outside world and society. The buildings all looked worn down and abandoned. Tall skyscrapers towered over them, covered in shattered glass and dirt. He led George over to a door knocking a specific tune.


The door unlocked and Dream held the door open for George.

"After you."

George stepped into the doorway skeptical of the sight. No one stood behind the door. There was nothing but a long, plain hallway with no doors in sight. They reached the end and walked down a now visible left turn. There stood a rusted, tall steel door in front of the two. However, the door was more advanced than it's appearance portrayed. Dream opened a keypad to the right of the door, typing in a quick code. At this, the door clicked then slid open slowly to reveal yet another room.

They walked into a small room with all steel walls. Light bounced off the metal walls from the single light on the center of the ceiling. The only doors in the room were the ones they came in from. I watched as Dream held his hand to a scanner pad on the wall. The small red light turned green above the scanner pad. Dream grabbed my right arm. This didn't make any sense, why would a small room like this have-

The sudden downward movement of the room jolted George out of his thoughts. Oh. He could say he felt his stomach twisting and turning during the drop. They were going down fast enough for George to say he felt weightless. However the elevator slowed it's descent as it neared the bottom. The room stopped moving and the doors started to slide open.

He couldn't believe what he was seeing. The doors opened to reveal a large room.

No not a room. A cave.

They had gone deep underground to a base. The walls of the room were all carved rock and stone, it was all messily carved out. However, the rest of the room was comforting. My eyes slid down from the walls to the stunning setup in the center of the room. A large circular couch lay in the center of the room, along with a oddly shaped table and a fireplace. Lots of decor was placed around the room like plants and lamps to light up the dark room. But the lights strung to the ceiling were the main source of light for the tall, cylinder shaped room.


I made to sure to hold open the door for George.

"After you." I said encouragingly.

He could have been shaken up from what happened at his house. He still had yet to experience the elevator. We reached the end of the hallway and I typed in the 8 digit code. The doors slid open. I made sure to grab onto George's arm for his safety. His skin was icy to the touch, perhaps because he didn't get to grab a jacket before he ran from home. I made note of that for later. The room dropped rapidly in that moment and I gripped onto George's arm to keep him in place. He was small and light so he could fly up at any moment if I wasn't holding him.

We reached the bottom. The doors opened and I looked into the room. There stood our underground base. The room smelled musty as usual, but scented candles helped a lot. I let go of George to let him explore the room. He was in a trance as he walked around admiring everything. His eyes gazed over the furniture and decor of the room. Then he glanced up at the lights hanging on the ceiling. Lights danced in his eyes as he looked at the dozens of jars hung by strings.

"We found this house abandoned and made it our base..." I said staring at his face, "...but we added these ourselves."

He looked amazed. "It's beautiful."

I studied the look on his face. It looked like one of an amazed child.


The light from the chandelier put a warm glow on his pale skin. His smooth facial features and jawline looked amazing in the light. His soft, pink lips were slightly parted. His chocolate brown eyes sparkled. He kept his gaze on the strung lights.

He's so cute...

Wait, don't think that.

"This is amazing. I've never seen anything like this." He said turning towards me. Thank god for the orange glow from the lights and darkness of the room. It hid my blush just a bit.

A familiar boy with a white bandana walked into the room and stared at the two boys before making a comment.

Hehe, I left it at a small cliffhanger. I guess it's not really one since you probably all know who it is. I'll probably post one more chapter later today if I get it done. Thank you again for all the support! See you all later. :D

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