My Heart Will Go On: Part Three

Start from the beginning

"I said go," she urged. The tears wouldn't stop leaking from your eyes even as you forced yourself to walk away. "Dean? Kick it in the ass. Don't miss."

"Yes, ma'am," he nodded.

"I am so sorry," you whispered.

Ellen got up, unchains the doors, sweeps away the salt line, opens the propane tanks, sits back down next to Jo, and hugs her. Dean forced you out the back door even though you didn't want to. As you were climbing down the fire escape, you were sobbing quietly. Jo was your only good girlfriend, and Ellen was like a maternal figure in your life. It was hard knowing you were leaving them in there to die. As soon as your feet touched the ground, you three began running down the alley. When you got far enough, the hardware store exploded, and you turned to watch it burn.

"JO!!" you screamed, but Dean covered your mouth before anyone else could hear.

"Come on," he urged.

He had to force you to follow them before you could follow them on your own. You kept your sobs quiet as you ran to the farm and through bushes.

The memory ends, and you just cry at the loss of your friends. You consider Jo to be a really good friend—best friend. She died to save you, Sam, and Dean—and she took her mother with her. By the time your trip down memory lane eased up, Sam and Dean were already setting up the table to summon Balthazar. All they have to do is light a match and drop it into the bowl. Dean does so, and all that happens is the lights flicker.

"Boys, boys, boys—and Y/N. Whatever can I do for you?" the angel smirks.

"We need to talk," Dean glares.

"Oh, you seem upset, Dean."

"The hell with the boat, Balthazar?"

"What boat?"

"The Titanic," you say softly and get up on shaky legs.

"Oh, yeah, the Titanic. Yes, well, uh, it was meant to sink, and I saved it."

"What?" Sam gasps and both brothers look at you.

"Well it was meant to bash into this iceberg thing and plunge into the briny deep with all this hoopla, and I saved it. Anything else I can answer for you?"

"Why?" you ask, suddenly growing angry. "Why did you un-sink the ship?"

"Oh, because I hated the movie."

"What movie?"

"Exactly," he laughs.

"You think this is funny?" you spat angrily and stalk over to him. You hold a lot of emotions in your eyes, your face is stained with tears, and your head throbs with your memories of your past life—the life you're supposed to be living. "All I'm getting are memories of a past life—a life that we're supposed to be living."

"Yes, you pesky witches are always finding a loophole in life," he rolls his eyes.

"So that's it? My mom really is dead? Ellen and Jo?" you ask, but he doesn't answer you.

"Wait, so you saved a cruise liner because—"

"—because that God-awful Celine Dion song made me want to smite myself," Balthazar cuts off Sam.

"Who's Celine Dion?"

"Oh, she's a destitute lounge singer somewhere in Quebec, and let's keep it that way, please."

"Okay, I didn't think that was possible. I thought you couldn't change history. I thought Y/N was only getting bad dreams or something."

"Oh, haven't you noticed? There's no more rules, lady and gentlemen."

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