I turned around to look at her. "Yes Snape?" I said to her.

She looked like she was about to speak but then shook her head and started turning around to walk away.

"Wait." I said as I started walking up to her.

She stopped walking and only turned her head to look at me but she didn't say anything.

I saw a book in her hand and because I couldn't think of anything else to say I asked her what it was.

"What book is that?" I asked her.

She looked down at the book and then hugged it closer to her body like she was scared I would snatch it out of her arms.

"Um just a school book I got from my father." She said quickly and a little too quickly.

"I've never seen that book for any type of class." I said to her. I wasn't going to take it away from her but after hearing what she said to her father, I was wondering if that book explained what she was.

"Ya well ya know being the daughter of a professor I get some cool books." She said with an awkward chuckle.

I nodded my head in agreement.

"Well anyways I've got to go." She said brushing her shoulder past me and giving me a weak smile.

I watched her walk away and all I could think about was how beautiful she was and how she was also part devil.

"What are you doing over here Malfoy." I heard Snape say behind me. I've realized the one time he isn't annoyed with students is right after he talks to Gemini, like just her presence calms him down.

"I- nothing." I said to him as I started to look at him.

He noticed Gemini walking along the hall and then faced me. He knew I was talking to her and by the looks of it he did not like it.

"If you hurt her I will kill you." He said to me threateningly.

I furrowed my eyebrows, there's no way for me to hurt her when we aren't even a thing.

"Don't look confused Malfoy. I saw the way you looked at her just now. My daughter is too independent to allow me to tell her who she can and can't talk to, which is why I will allow it but if you hurt her in anyway you will never see the light again." He said as he started to walk back to his bedroom.

"Oh and Malfoy, she is stubborn, petty, and doesn't not take stuff from anyone. So be careful with her, but once you get on her good side you will see she is an actual angel." He said and then disappointed back into his bedroom.

Angel huh? Didn't he just figure out she's part devil?

I walked back to the common room but his words wouldn't leave my mind. The way I looked at her? There is no special way I look at her, to me she is just some girl who is a quick fuck.

At least that's what I keep telling myself.


Geminis POV

It's been a week since I've found out I was part devil. I told Fred and George about everything that was in that book and they weren't terrified in fact it was the complete opposite of terrified.

"That is so cool!" Fred said intrigued.

"I can't believe our best friend is hot and a devil!" Fred said as he kept going on about it.

"You're so badass now!" George said.

"Guys this is serious. I could kill someone." I said to them getting annoyed that they thought it was cool.

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