~ Chapter 23 ~

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The car ride lasted another hour as you struggled to stay awake. Eventually, you looked out the windows and noticed you were entering a secluded and forested area. It was almost completely dark outside as there weren't any street lights around. However, as you all continued driving, you squinted your eyes as you approached a huge gated mansion with bright lights.

Jin stopped driving and looked around. The other agents around you started checking their gadgets, probably checking the security around the van.

Jin turned around to face everyone, "Okay, Hoseok, you're gonna come up here and take the wheel. Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook, you're gonna come with me to get rid of the security at the gate. Namjoon, keep checking the monitors and make sure we're still protected. Taehyung and Y/N, stay down and don't do anything for now."

Everyone nodded as you watched them go into their instructed positions. The back of the van was now pretty empty and you awkwardly avoided looking at Taehyung. However, the silence in the van started causing your heart to race and your hands to shake.

Taehyung noticed you slightly trembling and decided to sit next to you. Although he didn't say anything, he gently took one of your hands in his as he softly grazed his thumb over your hand.

Just as you started to calm down, your stomach twisted as you heard grunts coming from the gate, fearing that they came from one of the guys. You gained the courage to peek out the window, just to check who was getting hurt. You sighed in relief when you noticed the four agents standing above the security guards, who were handcuffed and passed out on the ground.

Soon you saw Jin give Hoseok the signal as the gate opened and Hoseok drove through it. The agents re-entered the van with Yoongi, Jimin, and Jungkook rubbing at the light bruises on their faces and bodies while Jin took off his gloves and put away some gear.

"Alright, everyone guarding the building is now unconscious and Yoongi hacked the security cameras and alarms, so we should be good." Jin stated as he sat down.

Namjoon pulled out a blueprint of the mansion to figure out where to go from here. The plan found in Mr. Walker's office stated that he would keep your grandma in the basement, so you came up with a plan to get there without getting caught.

You all quietly got out of the van, the actual agents carried various gadgets while you were given a big metal stick and wore a bulletproof vest since you had no experience with the actual gear. You all sneaked around to the back of the mansion, carefully checking for any hidden guards.

You were secured in the middle of the agents, but you stopped walking when you heard voices coming from behind you. Before you could mention it, you were immediately pushed behind Jin and Namjoon as the other agents fought the guards.

You couldn't see much of what was going on as the two tall men shielded you, but soon you felt a pair of hands grab onto your torso, making you run with them. Before you could fight back, you were relieved to see the hands belonged to Taehyung, who brought you closer to the back entrance to wait as the others fought off the guards.

Taehyung grabbed your face roughly as he inspected you, "Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?"

You held onto his hands as you panted, "I'm fine," you replied between breaths. You were going to step away from him but instinctively held onto his body when you heard gunshots.

You could feel Taehyung's heart race as he held you closer, trying to shield your body from any guards that could be nearby. You soon heard footsteps coming near you, so you looked over Taehyung's shoulder, checking to see who it was.

Your eyes widened as the man walking towards you two was unrecognizable. You quickly pushed yourself out of Taehyung's arms, causing him to fall onto the ground, and grabbed your stick. You hit the man's shoulder as hard as you could and watched him wince in pain as he also dropped to the ground.

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