~ Chapter 18 ~

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~ An hour earlier ~

Yoongi also had a mission today. After finishing his work with Jin, he was on his way to a bakery between campus and headquarters to meet up with Hoseok.

After getting caught yesterday, he didn't have a choice and felt like he had to explain the past few years to Hoseok. When he entered the bakery, his palms got sweaty. He mentally cursed at himself as he ordered a drink and looked around to find Hoseok. To his luck, Hoseok was already seated by a window, with a pastry placed on the table as he looked at his phone.

Yoongi thanked the barista, walked over to Hoseok, and quietly sat down. He realized that Hoseok hadn't noticed Yoongi sitting in front of him, so he coughed a little, trying to get Hoseok's attention.

Hoseok looked up from his phone and jumped in his seat, "Dude! You scared me!" He said loudly while holding his chest.

Yoongi gave him a small smile, "Sorry."

Hoseok put his phone on the table and crossed his arms, "Sorry for scaring me or sorry for hiding from me for months?"

Yoongi sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking out the window to think. "I'm sorry for hiding from you, but in my defense, I didn't know you were even alive until three years ago."

Hoseok's brows furrowed as his mouth dropped, "You knew for three years? And didn't think to reach out?"

Yoongi started playing with his receipt, "It's more complicated than you'd think."

Hoseok scoffed, "Right, it's not like we've been best friends since childhood or anything. Not like I kept trying to find you for years. Not like we have literal friendship bracelets that we both still wear."

Yoongi looked up, "It's not like we could've just resumed our friendship, we—"

"Well you missed your chance to resume it three years ago, so now we'll never know."

Yoongi bit his lip and sipped his coffee.

Hoseok sighed loudly and eyed Yoongi. He looked down at his food to think but soon looked back at Yoongi, "How was your day?" He asked as he took a bite of his pastry.

Yoongi raised a brow at him, "You're asking about my day?"

"Yeah, since I actually want to be friends again," Hoseok said while pointing at himself, "I will be the one to start a conversation."

Yoongi played with his coffee cup, "Well honestly all I did today was filing with Jin. I also have some record that Taehyung needs me to check, but that's it. You?"

Hoseok nonchalantly replied, "Hmm, well all day I thought about every time I thought I saw you and realized that 90 percent of the time, it was you but you just always had a stupid mask on and ran away from me."

Yoongi kept tapping on his coffee cup, "I really am sorry. But you have to understand that with our jobs it's hard to be friends with people. And I only found out that you worked with me the day Namjoon showed you and Jungkook our plan tape."

Hoseok titled his head, "What do you mean?"

Yoongi looked around and leaned over to Hoseok. With a lowered voice, he answered, "We got an anonymous tip a week before saying to watch the surveillance footage of that conference room. So I went to see it and that's why I was running out the lobby, I thought you'd immediately recognize me."

Hoseok frowned as he thought, "So you know that Namjoon, Jungkook, and I are protecting Y/N from you guys?"

Yoongi nodded, "I also thought you'd do a better job at it."

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