~ Chapter 10 ~

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Once you, Jungkook, and Cheyenne entered the lounge, you joined the others in waiting for the pizza to arrive. You felt a little uncomfortable because you didn't really know Jimin and Yoongi but as the conversations went on, you started to loosen up and joined them more.

You sat across from Taehyung, which made it easy to steal glances at him but also made it hard to stop looking at him.

You felt when his eyes were on you, hating the effect he had. You felt like a teenager with a crush because of the way your heart would skip a beat every time he looked at you.

Jungkook engaged in the conversation more than you thought he would. He surprisingly got along with the other boys, even though he did keep up his annoyed act.

You learned a bit about how the three of them became friends and learned that they had a fourth friend who already graduated but stayed in touch with them. You bonded over having a similar dynamic in your own friend group.

You guys kept talking for a while but soon called it a night and went your separate ways. You wanted to text Taehyung and ask him about the kiss but Cheyenne stopped you, telling you to wait for him to say something. Apparently it would prove if he's actually into you or not.


Two weeks went by and you continued to see Taehyung in your three classes together and even agreed to do more study sessions with him, but oddly enough, he never brought up your almost kiss.

It was Saturday and you were getting ready to go on a walk. Your campus was situated in a forested area so there were many nice parks nearby. You were going to first walk Cheyenne to one of her club meetings and then enjoy some time looking at the autumn weather.

As you walked with Cheyenne, you expressed your dismay about Taehyung, "He's just been talking about classes lately, and actually asking for help with the work. He's barely been flirting with me."

Cheyenne mimicked your pout, "Aww, is Y/N missing her flirty boy toy?"

You hit her shoulder lightly, "Shut up! It's just unfortunate that the second I decide that I'll let myself like someone, he just stops giving me attention! Like, what changed?"

Cheyenne put an arm around your shoulders, "Sweetie, maybe it's your turn to make the first move. Well, technically he already did, plenty of times."

"I know," you whined.

Cheyenne held you by your shoulders, turning you to face her, "Be bold Y/N, use your flirting skills. Pretend you're the love interest in a shitty fanfic."

You hugged Cheyenne and said goodbye once you got to her meeting.

You started walking towards the exit of the building and pulled out your phone as you were about to play your usual playlist. But of course, even this couldn't go smoothly and you walked right into a tall figure.

I wonder who it's gonna be, you thought to yourself. Both hoping but not hoping that it's Taehyung. You felt a large hand land on your lower back to pull you up as you immediately recognized who it belonged to.

You looked up to see Taehyung smiling at you, "Wow, didn't think you'd literally fall for me, Y/N."

You rolled your eyes at him but returned the smile, "Sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going."

Taehyung chuckled, "I noticed." He looked down at your feet and made his way up to your eyes. He gestured at your attire with his free hand, keeping his other on your waist. You were dressed more athletically than your usual style. "Going somewhere?"

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