~ Chapter 3 ~

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It was the next day and you were up bright and early, trying to create a healthy schedule so you use your time wisely. You woke Cheyenne up before continuing to get ready for the day. You had three back to back classes with one evening class, so you didn't plan on coming back to your dorm for a while.

Your first three classes went smoothly as all professors went over the syllabi and reviewed information you already knew. You had a break before your last class, so you went to your favourite cafe on campus to go over your assignments from your syllabi and have lunch.

You settled down at a seat near the register, one of the few tables with a couch. You took out your laptop and got right to work.

As you sipped your drink, you noticed the cafe got louder as three students walked in, one with vibrant pink hair, another with faded blue hair, and the tallest of the three had dark brown waves cascading over his head, allowing a peak of his forehead. You noticed his beautiful tanned skin with piercing brown eyes and scientifically perfect proportions. He was wearing a black turtleneck with black trousers and a brown corduroy jacket.

You decided to turn away after seeing him roll his eyes at his friends.

"Listen, let me just get some coffee and we'll leave. No need to be a brat about it." The blue haired one said to him as the pink haired guy just laughed lightly.

The pink haired one spoke next, "I can buy you a cookie if you want."

The tallest groaned as he walked away from their place in line and went to the register to get a better view of the cafe's pastries. You quickly looked down at your laptop to avoid getting caught ogling at the sight of the beautiful man in front of you.

You almost forgot three stunning men entered the cafe but then saw a large hand waving in front of your laptop screen. You looked up to see the tallest standing right in front of you with a smile.

"Um hi?" You managed to get out after processing that this ethereal man wanted your attention.

"Hey," he replied with a flirty smirk, "Do you come here often?"

You laughed to yourself, not believing a man as handsome as him used such a lame pick up line, "Yeah, I do actually."

He smiled at your answer as he looked down at your table, noticing your half eaten lemon loaf. He turned to his friends, who were currently ordering, "Yo, get me a lemon loaf." After receiving a nod from them, he turned back to face you. "A pretty girl like you has to have good taste."

Before you could respond, he gave you a wink and walked back to his friends who soon left the cafe.

Not knowing what else to do, you decided to tell your friends later because you needed to be in the right mindset for your last class. After about an hour, it was time for your class so you headed to your lecture hall.

You chose a seat towards the front and center, knowing it's the best way to participate and get on your professor's good side. You were a couple minutes early so you went on your phone.

You soon heard a deep voice clear his throat as you looked up from your phone.

"Is this seat taken?" The deep voice asked as it took you a couple seconds to realize who the voice belonged to.

Too shaken up to think before you speak, you responded with, "Are you following me?"

The beautiful man chuckled as he sat down next to you, "No, but I think it's fate that we see each other again." He gave you a bright smile.

You returned the smile but still couldn't process what was happening. You decided to introduce yourself since it's the polite thing to do and learned the man's name, Kim Taehyung. He was a health science major just like you but he had just transferred with the two friends you saw in the cafe. He seemed pretty nice and was gorgeous, you knew your friends would go crazy when they heard about him.

After class you exchanged phone numbers with Taehyung, obviously for academic purposes only. It's always good to have friends in your class in case you ever need anything, not that you ever actually needed help. That's how you justified getting his number, it wasn't because you were interested in him.

Of course not.

You'll find love after college.

You walked back to your dorm, knowing Jungkook and Cheyenne already got started setting up dinner. You were tired but eating with those two would energize you, and today you have a story to tell them.

"Y/N! You're finally back!" Cheyenne shouted when you entered your dorm. Jungkook clapped as he walked over to give you a hug.

"Guys, I just went to class, you're acting like I came back from surgery," You said as you got out of Jungkook's arms.

Cheyenne and Jungkook both laughed as Jungkook spoke, "Yeah but you end later this semester, it's already 7:30!"

You sighed softly, "I know but it's just this semester, and it'll be worth it in the end!" You looked at them for rewarding reactions and they both gave you defeated smiles. You knew you were always busy once classes began but you needed to be. You can't just become a surgeon without making sacrifices.

You all sat down as you video called Hoseok, wanting him to also hear your hot man story. Once you were all settled, you began. You told them exactly what happened from the minute Taehyung walked into the cafe to the second he walked in a different direction after class.

The three of them stared at you in shock, surprised you're telling them about a man that captivated you, especially after hearing your countless arguments against dating.

You started to get uncomfortable as none of your friends reacted, "Um, guys?"

Cheyenne was first to break the silence, "Y/N, are you finally saying you're interested in someone?"

Hoseok spoke after her, "Especially the way you described him, he sounds gorgeous. But you wouldn't talk like that about anyone."

Jungkook bit his lip as he thought about your story, "You said one of his friends has pink hair?"

You nodded.

Jungkook looked down at his food, "My roommate, Jimin, has pink hair. Maybe he's friends with this mystery man."

"Well he's not a mystery, we have his full name." Cheyenne added as she took a bite of her food, "Oh my God, wait, Jungkook, if your roommate is friends with this hottie, you can help set him up with Y/N."

"Woah woah," you and Jungkook said in unison as you both shook your heads.

Jungkook continued speaking, "Hold up, no. Jimin is a little weird, and if he's friends with this guy, then I don't think we should set Y/N up with him. Weird people are only friends with weird people."

Cheyenne rolled her eyes at his response as you took your turn to speak, "And besides, I'm not into him like that, anyway."

This caused Cheyenne and Hoseok to laugh but Jungkook sat uncomfortably. Hoseok took a deep breath to stop laughing, "Y/N, I have never heard you talk about a man that way before. I think that says enough."

"Well I've never seen a man that beautiful before, of course I'll freak out when he just casually flirts with me and then shows up to my class!" You calmed yourself down for a second before finishing your statement, "I am not interested in him. I simply thought this situation seemed too movie-like to happen in life and wanted to share it with you all."

You all went back to eating but this time in silence. You can admit that Taehyung was probably the most handsome man you've seen and his personality seemed charming, but that didn't mean you were going to risk everything you worked so hard for. He would just be a distraction, a beautiful distraction.

After a while, Cheyenne decided to break the silence once she finished her meal, "You should at least fuck him," she suggested, earning a facepalm from you, a laugh from Hoseok, and a forced smile from Jungkook.

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