~ Chapter 20 ~

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Flashback: 4 years ago.

You were anxiously checking your phone for the time as you wiped your sweaty palms on your dress. You felt a pair of arms wrap around you and a head rested on your shoulder, "Babe, relax, he's going to be super chill."

You took a breath and turned to face your boyfriend, Michael. You gave him a short kiss on the cheek but went back to worrying, "I know, I know. But anything could go wrong! What if I say something stupid? Or if I spill food on myself? Oh my God what if I spill food on him?"

Michael laughed as he pulled you into a hug, "Trust me, Mr. Howard Walker is the easiest man to please, after all the good things I've said about you, there's no way you can mess up today."

"Okay but meeting the parents is always nerve wracking."

Michael smiled, "Well, you only have to meet one parent, he's not bringing any of his girlfriends today, thankfully," he stated with a small eye roll.

You sighed and stroked Michael's cheek, "Let's just both focus on the actual food part of dinner. My grandma wanted to do a whole four course meal," you ended with a small laugh.

As you and Michael laughed, you stopped when you heard the doorbell ring. You took a deep breath before opening the door to Michael's dad.

The actual dinner went smoothly and slowly you were able to relax. This was your first time even seeing the man in person, but you felt like his presence was oddly familiar. You couldn't pinpoint where you might've seen him before so you just let it go, hoping it'd come back to you soon enough.

"So, Y/N," Mr. Walker spoke before wiping his mouth on a napkin, "Have you started looking at colleges? I heard you wanted to become a surgeon, and you should definitely try to get a start on this college journey."

You smiled at Mr. Walker, feeling a bit flustered talking about college, "Yes I've been looking at so many schools and programs. I've been making lists and keeping track of all the requirements and such."

You felt Michael grab your hand from under the table, trying to support you.

Mr. Walker smiled brightly at you, "Well, that's great, you better try your absolute hardest. Those pre-med tracks can kill your brain."

You laughed, "I'll definitely do my best, sir."

Mr. Walker started to stand up, "Could you tell me where the bathroom is?"

"Oh yeah, my grandma's in the one on this floor but you could go upstairs and turn right and it's labeled bathroom."

Mr. Walker nodded as he left and you quickly turned to Michael, who gave you a hug. You both talked about how else you could impress his dad and remembered that Michael left a book at your place a few days ago.

You went upstairs to go to your room, but stopped when you saw Mr. Walker standing by your parents' old room. "Um, Mr. Walker? The bathroom is on the other end of the hallway."

He quickly turned around and gave you a smile, "Oh, Y/N! Sorry, I thought you said left, must've heard you wrong." He moved past you and walked towards the bathroom.

"No worries," you replied as you entered your room to get Michael's book.

You hit Hoseok's thigh and you looked back and forth from him and Namjoon, "So you and Namjoon knew that Mr. Walker here was trying to get information or whatever from my parents? Did you guys just forget to look into his family?"

Namjoon scratched the back of his neck, "We did check, Y/N, but he had a very high position and his records of family aren't accessible."

Hoseok rubbed his thigh where you hit him, "First of all, ouch. And yeah, we know how to do our jobs, Y/N, of course we looked into it."

You shook your head, "Jungkook, please help me. Howard Walker, does that ring a bell?"

Jungkook gritted his teeth as he thought but after a couple seconds, you noticed his eyes widened, "Wait, your ex! His name was Michael Walker!"

"Thank you!" You praised Jungkook as you faced Hoseok, "Michael literally told me that his dad was Howard Walker and worked for a huge agency but couldn't disclose his actual job. He was at my house so many times! How did you guys let that happen?"

Jin butted into the conversation, "Well, sometimes we don't stop people from getting physically near you but we watch them just in case. Maybe they were doing that." Jin placed a hand on Namjoon's shoulder, hoping he could defend himself.

Namjoon sighed, "Okay, we did not keep the best track of him," everyone but Hoseok groaned at his words, "But it was only because he didn't pose much of a threat to the leaders who assigned us the mission. Even if we did think you'd be in danger, we weren't able to do much anyway."

You leaned forward and held your head in your hands to think. You soon sat back up when Jimin spoke, "Okay so this Mr. Walker knows where Y/N lives, knows that her grandma is the only one in their house, and has been in their house a bunch of times. No offense Y/N, but what does this have to do with anything? Why would Mr. Walker care about our little revenge plot? We didn't know about him when we planned it."

Taehyung sniffled a little before moving his head from Yoongi's shoulder, "Both of our teams got the notes and the footage anonymously, right? Mr. Walker probably set it up to distract us."

Yoongi thought for a second, "Taehyung, you might be right. We were planning on hurting Y/N just as Namjoon and Hoseok decided that he wasn't a threat anymore. So maybe, in order to get Namjoon and Hoseok to focus on another threat, he told someone to give you guys the footage of us."

"Right, because my parents were apparently secret agents who just happened to know exactly where some important information is hidden and Mr. Walker probably made his ugly son date me just to get into my house." You rubbed your forehead, "I've only been in two relationships and they both stemmed from missions what the fuck is my life."

"His ugly son couldn't even stay faithful." Jungkook added, causing Hoseok to reach over and hit his arm.

"Y/N," Taehyung said as he faced you, "Have you talked to your grandma today?"

You checked your phone, once Jungkook returned it, "Actually no, the last time I called her was three days ago."

"Fuck," you heard Hoseok mumble as he got up from next to you and went to Namjoon, "Check her house cameras."

"My house cameras?" You asked, "You put cameras in my house?"

Namjoon answered as he opened the live footage, "Oh yeah, we installed them a couple years ago, only around your house and near the main doors and windows, though. But don't worry, your grandma knew about them."

"And you've been actively watching these cameras?"

Hoseok bit his lip, "Not as much lately since our focus was on you."

Jin walked over and stood behind Hoseok and Namjoon, trying to also see the footage. But to their surprise, none of the cameras were working.

Jungkook sat next to you and put an arm around you, after seeing the disappointed and worried looks on Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jin's faces, he knew someone should support you.

"Guys? Is my grandma okay?"

Eye for an Eye | KTHजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें