~ Chapter 6 ~

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The video showed an office like room with four desks in each corner of the room. Each desk was styled very differently and obviously belonged to different people. There was someone with dark hair sitting at one of the desks, writing something down.

The door to the office opened and three guys walked in, another dark haired and two blonds. Once they started talking, Jungkook immediately recognized who was in the video.

"Taehyung! Get up we have news!" Jin announced as he entered the room.

Taehyung turned around to face his three friends, confused about why they were all so happy. "What's going on?"

"We know who killed your parents!" Jimin exclaimed excitedly while clapping.

Taehyung's brows furrowed and his jaw dropped, "But how?"

Jin grabbed his chair and brought it closer to Taehyung, "Okay listen, Jimin and I were organizing the surprise party for the tech department and we wanted a theme so we looked through some old pictures to see what they've done in the past."

Jimin continued the story, "As we looked through the photos, we found a bunch of your parents and most of them had another couple in them. So we did some digging in the old records and learned that this couple was in your parents team."

Jin took his turn, "This couple however disappeared the night of your parents' death and there's no records of them quitting or anything, they just poofed and nothing could be found. But the same night, literally three blocks away from your old house, there was a car crash where a couple died, but somehow no bodies were found. The people who reported it specifically stated that a couple was in the car but by the time the police came, the bodies were gone, but there was blood and obvious signs the car was being driven."

Yoongi was getting tired of their storytelling, "Can you guys get to the point?"

Jimin hushed Yoongi, "So here's the thing. The couple in the car crash were identified with the last name Y/L/N because of the IDs found in the car, which is not the same name of your parents' teammates." This earned an eye roll from Taehyung, "But they had a daughter! Y/L/N Y/N! So our beloved Yoongi hyung helped us and got into hospital records and guess what we learned!"

Taehyung looked at the three of them blankly so Jin gave him the answer, "Her parents' names on her birth certificate! The same names as the couple working with your parents! They just used a fake name on their real life shit and gave their daughter a different last name!"

Taehyung continued to be expressionless, "That doesn't mean anything though. Where's the proof they killed my parents?"

This time, Jin and Jimin's smiles faded and they turned to Yoongi, hoping he'd deliver the news better. Yoongi understood their silent requests as he took a deep breath, "In the car, a few items were found, including a paper with a set of numbers and a password that was also a series of numbers."

Taehyung nodded, noticing that Yoongi's expression changed, and showing his attention to encourage him.

Yoongi looked into Taehyung's eyes for a second before taking another deep breath and continuing, "Well there was a picture of it in the records but since no connection was immediately found to our agency, they didn't have anyone actually analyze this. So I thought that maybe it was a message hidden in like a matrix, considering the password was also a series of numbers. I calculated the matrix and well, I got the resulting numbers and if we correlate each number to a letter, there was a clear message."

Jin noticed that Yoongi was starting to pause more in his sentences so he took over, "The message said to kill your parents, Taehyung. We think someone else told them to kill your parents or maybe it was their idea, we don't exactly know. But we know where to find Y/N and she can direct us to her parents."

Taehyung took a breath and looked away from his friends, "That still doesn't mean anything."

"Taehyung," Jimin reached for his hand to get him to face them, "We rechecked the surveillance footage the night your parents were killed. There was a car in the background and the license plate number matched the one in the car crash."

Tears started forming in Taehyung's eyes as the others pulled him into a group hug. They stayed like that for a minute until Jin broke the hug to speak. "Listen, we have all the information we need on this Y/N, all we need to do is get to her and get her to tell us where her parents are."

The video started buffering and Namjoon turned it off. Everyone turned to Jungkook who simply didn't know how to feel. Y/N's parents were murderers? Are murderers? Are they even actually dead? But soon Jungkook spoke, "What are they going to do with Y/N?"

Hoseok sighed, "The footage cuts off right there, before they can explain their plan. Right now all we know is that Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi are at your college trying to get information on her and they'll try to get to her parents.

Jungkook shook his head violently, "No, no, no. Her parents are dead Hoseok, didn't you literally attend their funeral?"

"It was a closed casket thing, and besides, it's not like they'd show us kids the bodies even at the funeral. And Y/N's grandma made sure she didn't look because it'd be lowkey traumatizing,"

Jungkook still shook his head, "Okay yeah, maybe because when people get into car accidents, they don't look good? That doesn't mean the caskets were empty!"

Namjoon added, "If there is a chance that her parents are alive, the worst case scenario is that they'll kidnap her and then threaten to hurt her in hopes that her parents would come out of hiding."

"And if they're really dead?" Jungkook asked.

Jungkook's father answered, "That's why you can't let them get too close to her. We don't want to find out what they could do."

After a while of explaining the exact rules Jungkook had to follow, they were free to go home. Jungkook had to go back to the headquarters every day this week to get some basic training in fighting in case Y/N needed to be physically protected. Jungkook had a lot on his mind, but there was something that didn't sit right with him and he asked Namjoon if they could speak alone, in hopes of getting real answers.

"Namjoon, you would tell me the truth right?" Jungkook asked once they were alone.

Namjoon simply nodded.

Jungkook fidgeted with his fingers for a bit, wondering how he should go about this. "I don't know if you know this but last year, I actually took a videography course, just as an elective. We were taught how various cameras work and well, in the footage you showed us, the buffering was not real."

Namjoon raised his eyebrows and widened his eyes, "What?"

Jungkook looked up from his fingers, "I'm saying that either you received that video edited or you did it yourself before showing me. That buffering was edited, when actual surveillance cameras buffer, they look different. I had to sit through a whole lecture about this."

Namjoon bit his lip and looked around the room, "Jungkook. Can I truly trust you?"

Jungkook immediately nodded, "Yes, you can, I swear."

"Ok then," Namjoon sighed, "Guess I'll tell you." 

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