~ Chapter 9 ~

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"There you are Taehyung! Who would've thought you'd be at the library of all places?"

You opened your eyes, disappointed that Taehyung's hands were no longer on you, his face was further away, and his lips never met yours. You turned to see Jimin and the blue haired friend walk over towards you guys. Normally you'd be embarrassed getting caught almost kissing someone, but right now you were more annoyed than anything.

Jimin noticed your unsatisfied faces and exchanged a look with their blue haired friend, "Well, now we know why you're in the library." He said with a giggle as he turned to you, "Hey Y/N, this our other friend and Taehyung's roommate, Yoongi."

You forced a smile, "Hi Yoongi, nice to meet you!" You said as you shook his hand.

"Y/N! Do you know what time it is?"

You groaned as you heard Cheyenne's voice and saw her walking over with Jungkook. Everyone wanted me to get some but when I finally got the chance, they ruined the moment. You thought to yourself as both friend groups were now in one place.

You rubbed your forehead, "Yeah sorry guys, I lost track of time."

Yoongi and Jimin tried to hold in their laughter as Yoongi responded, "Yeah, they were studying really hard."

"Did you guys learn about each other's anatomy yet?" Jimin added, causing him and Yoongi to start laughing loudly.

Taehyung shot them a look in an attempt to get them to shut up but Jimin and Yoongi continued laughing.

Jungkook rolled his eyes but reminded himself to focus on you, "Anyway, Cheyenne and I are ready for dinner. Let's go." He said as he motioned for you to get up.

Jimin's eyes widened as he had an idea, "Wait, Kookie, you guys are getting dinner now? We came to get Taehyung for dinner, too. Maybe we should all have dinner together!"

Jungkook shook his head immediately, "No thanks, we're good. Right guys?" he said looking back and forth at you and Cheyenne, hoping you'd agree with him.

But Cheyenne had other ideas, "Actually, since we were just gonna order pizza and eat in our dorm, if y'all are down, we can get more pizza and eat at the lounge together."

"What a wonderful idea, Cheyenne!" Jimin exclaimed as he linked arms with Yoongi and pulled Jungkook into it too, "Taehyung, get up. We'll get going and order the food. Y/N and Cheyenne, you guys can take your time but meet us soon before Kookie eats all the food."

Jungkook looked at you and Cheyenne with pleading eyes, nonverbally begging you guys to make him stay with you two.

You decided to help him out, "Sorry Jimin but I kinda need to talk to Cheyenne and Jungkook so he can text you what we usually get and then the three of us can meet you guys at the lounge in a few minutes."

You noticed a change in Jimin's expression but he quickly smiled and agreed. He unlinked his arm from Jungkook's and grabbed Taehyung instead.

You said bye to them, feeling a bit uneasy as you also noticed Yoongi giving you a weird look when you asked to keep Jungkook. You decided to shrug it off as you had to tell your friends what just happened with Taehyung.

You packed your stuff as you spoke, "Okay, don't react loudly, we are in a library, got it?" After receiving nods from both your friends, you remembered Hoseok. "Fuck wait, Jungkook can you video call Hoseok right now?"

Jungkook called him and you all waited for him to pick up. Once he answered, you let him know that you had something important to announce. "Okay. Taehyung and I almost kissed." You quickly stated, fearing the reactions of your friends.

Cheyenne immediately put her hand over her mouth, stopping herself from screaming. "You see? I did the right thing by leaving you here! Oh my God, Y/N!"

You looked over to Jungkook and Hoseok, but the both of them were staring at you with eyes wide and mouths agape.

Jungkook couldn't even bring himself to say words, so Hoseok cleared his throat, "Wow Y/N, I just was not expecting this at all. I thought you had no intention of pursuing him? What happened to education first?"

You furrowed your brows and frowned, "I thought you'd be excited. I decided that I'm gonna let myself enjoy life and maybe even try love again."

Cheyenne tightly hugged you in excitement, "I don't know what's up with them but I'm so happy for you! Are you gonna ask him out? Wait no, tell us how it happened!"

Jungkook finally closed his mouth and remembered how to speak, "Uh yeah, how did this all happen?"

You explained the past hour to your friends and ended it ranting about how he was going to kiss you but his friends walked in and completely stopped it from happening.

Cheyenne continued to support you while Hoseok and Jungkook were still hesitant. Hoseok continued to express his thoughts, "Y/N, I just want you to make sure that this decision is genuinely for yourself, not because of Taehyung. Because if it's for Taehyung, you're just making the same mistake."

You were getting a bit annoyed. You knew he was just trying to look out for you, but you were older now and you were capable of making your own decisions. You looked at Hoseok through Jungkook's phone and responded, "I understand that you're trying to help me, but even if it is a mistake, I think you should let me learn from it. That's the whole point of life right?"

You received an applause from Cheyenne while Hoseok eventually gave in. Jungkook remained silent on the situation but you excused it since you knew he liked you and it must've been awkward for him to hear this.

~ Meanwhile ~

"You two actually cockblocked me, I will be accepting apologies in cash, only." Taehyung joked as they waited for the pizza to arrive.

Yoongi patted Taehyung's back, "I honestly didn't think you'd get to her this quickly. Did you get any info on her parents or were you only focused on trying to fuck her?"

Taehyung sunk into his seat, "All she said was her parents died in a car crash twelve years ago. But to be honest, I kinda believe her."

Both Jimin and Yoongi looked at Taehyung with shocked expressions.

"Okay let me explain." Taehyung sat up in his seat, "I asked her about her thoughts on love and she mentioned her parents' love story and started crying. But she didn't let herself cry, she kept wiping her tears before they fell. If she were lying, wouldn't she put on more of a show?"

Jimin nodded, "I guess you have a point but dude you can't trust her so soon."

Yoongi agreed, "He's right. If her parents are in hiding and she knows, she could've just gotten upset at the fact that she can't see her parents."

Taehyung sighed but nodded as he sank back into his seat, "Alright, you're both right. It is too soon to make assumptions."

Jimin looked at the entrance of the lounge area, "I wonder what's taking them so long."

"Y/N's probably telling them about our almost kiss." Taehyung answered nonchalantly.

"Oh on that note," Yoongi started, "Jimin, please chill with Jungkook. He looks at you like you're a walking migraine and the last thing we need is more people here actively acknowledging us."

Jimin smirked at Yoongi, "Are you jealous of what I have with him?"

"I literally have a girlfriend."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "Right. How is she by the way? How does she feel knowing she took you from me?"

Yoongi smacked the back of Jimin's head, "Annoying people isn't a flirting tactic."

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