~ Chapter 24 ~

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You jumped at the sound of the gunshot, causing your chair to fall back. You heard a couple more gunshots and kept your eyes shut. The sounds were so loud you wanted to cover your ears but your hands were still tightly bound behind you.

Soon enough, the gunshots stopped. Your ears started ringing as you slowly opened your eyes, feeling yourself getting pulled up from the ground. You felt a pair of soft hands untie yours and thought the hands felt familiar but couldn't pinpoint who they could belong to.

Once your hands were free, you immediately rubbed your head and your eyes. You heard a set of footprints walk towards you and someone held your shoulders. This time you immediately recognized the hands and tried to speak, "Hoseok?"

Hoseok immediately shushed you as he gave you a hug. You sighed in relief when you realized your friends were okay.

"Y/N? Can you hear me? Can you see me?" You heard a woman's voice ask.

You rubbed your eyes again, finally regaining all of your vision as you nodded.

You looked around and counted seven heads, making sure all of the guys were with you. You then looked over at your grandma and saw a man untying her. You gasped when you saw Mr. Walker's dead body sitting at the desk, along with his henchman bleeding out next to him.

You felt nauseous at the sight as your ears started ringing again. Soon you started seeing black dots that grew bigger and bigger, as you passed out.

You woke up an hour later, hearing multiple voices around you and realizing you were no longer in the old chair in Mr. Walker's basement. You looked down to see that you were lying on a brown leather couch and you were in what looked like an old office.

You slowly sat up and tried to see who the voices belonged to and smiled when you saw your grandma and all seven guys. The agents were in an intense discussion, with various bruises and bandages wrapped around them but they turned their attention to you once Jin pointed out that you were awake.

Hoseok immediately went to your side to ask if you were okay but stopped when a man and a woman walked into the office.

You watched them give your grandma a cup of tea with a sandwich and noticed your grandma give both of them kisses on their cheeks. The two then turned to face you, with huge smiles on their faces.

The woman sat down on your other side and gently placed a hand on your shoulder, "Y/N, you grew up to be so beautiful and strong. I'm so proud of you, baby."

"Thank you?" You answered, your mind was still too foggy to realize who was in front of you. You turned to analyze the woman's face and then faced the man and observed his too. Your jaw dropped as you covered your mouth once you realized who had saved you.

You noticed both the woman's and man's eyes start tearing up and they both held you. "Mom? Dad? You're both alive?" You ask, pushing yourself out of their arms and sitting closer to Hoseok.

Your parents nodded and you looked over at your grandma, who also gave you a small nod.

"I think I'm gonna puke." You said as you felt your stomach churn. You took several deep breaths as Yoongi quickly placed a trash can in front of you.

"So you're telling me that in the past 12 hours, my best friend accused my boyfriend of wanting to kill me, then my boyfriend told me that my parents were murderers, then he held me at gunpoint, then I learned that my ex's dad kidnapped my grandma because he wanted to take over the country with robots, then I learned that my ex knew his psycho dad wanted to hurt me, then I hit some guy with a metal stick, then I got captured by my ex's dad, then I watched his men torment my grandma and friends, and then I watched him get shot in the head. And now my parents are alive?" Your mouth went dry as you started panting.

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