~ Chapter 14 ~

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Another month had passed and you were getting ready for a date with Taehyung. Today he was taking you to an art museum with a picnic after and you were so excited. Even though it was December, today was oddly warm outside and you wanted to enjoy it.

Just as you opened the door to leave, you saw Hoseok walking towards your dorm, "Oh Y/N! Are you going somewhere?"

You answered in a small voice, "I have a date today."

Hoseok sighed but gave you a smile, "I wanted to say hi before I met up with Jungkook. Let me walk you to Taehyung."

You nodded as you started walking, "He's currently in the music room but should be finishing up soon." After receiving a nod from Hoseok, you kept talking, "So, what are you and Jungkook doing?"

"Oh he's just running errands with me. I have to get my car checked and he wanted to join."

Hearing about Hoseok's car brought back a memory, "Oh! I was meaning to ask you! The night that government official almost got shot, like two months ago, were you at the burger place it happened in?"

Hoseok looked at the ceiling, "Um I don't think so."

"Huh, alright then."

"Why do you ask?"

You shrugged and looked at him, "While I was hiding in Taehyung's friend's van, I thought I saw your car in the parking lot but couldn't confirm it."

"Ah okay," Hoseok replied. But then he remembered to react, "Wait what? That's so dangerous! Where was Taehyung?"

"Okay, don't get upset, I'm fine. But he went back into the restaurant to like help I guess. I don't exactly know, he never told me the full story."

Hoseok wanted to immediately stop you from going on this date with Taehyung but knew it would only raise more suspicion as you already saw his car at the restaurant. He continued following you to the music room and got confused when he heard a familiar melody.

You opened the door and saw Taehyung sitting next to Yoongi on the piano bench while Yoongi played for him. As you and Hoseok walked towards them, Yoongi quickly stopped playing to put on a mask.

"Hey Taehyung," you exclaimed, "Hi Yoongi, this is my friend Hoseok, the one who's like my older brother."

Hoseok smiled at Taehyung and Yoongi and greeted them with a handshake. Afterwards, he faced Yoongi, "Are you feeling okay?"

Yoongi nodded, "Oh yeah, I just have a little cold and don't want to be spreading it."

Hoseok titled his head, "But, Taehyung is already exposed, now Y/N and I are gonna get exposed from him. Isn't it a bit useless?"

You lightly hit Hoseok's arm while awkwardly laughing, trying to get him to stop talking.

Yoongi let out a small laugh, "I'm gonna go now. Taehyung, are you good?"

Taehyung looked at him and nodded, "Yep! Let's go Y/N. It was nice meeting you Hoseok!"

Hoseok watched you and Taehyung leave the room and turned his attention back to Yoongi, "Well um, I was supposed to hang out with Jungkook but I don't know how to get to his dorm from here." Hoseok started, hoping Yoongi would catch the hint and offer to help him.

But Yoongi ignored it, "Yikes, that sucks but I hope you find him, bye!" And with that, Yoongi started literally running out of the music room.

As Hoseok watched Yoongi run, it finally hit him and he started running after Yoongi. He carefully watched Yoongi's now silver hair bounce as he ran to ensure he was following the right body.

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