~ Chapter 1 ~

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Present day

"Y/N! Your breakfast is getting cold!" Your grandmother shouted from the kitchen.

You quickly checked over your packing list one more time before heading downstairs to eat. It was nice spending the summer at home but you were excited to finally go back to campus and get back to building your career.

Once you walked into the kitchen, you gave your grandma a hug. "Wow, is Y/N going to actually miss me? How unusual."

You laughed, "Of course I will! You've done so much for me, it's hard leaving you." You took a seat at the dining table, "But, I will say that I'm super excited to start this semester. There's so much to do."

Your grandma smiled at you, "I'm glad you're not dreading it anymore. But is there anything else you're looking forward to? Maybe a special person?"

You mentally rolled your eyes, you decided to stay away from romance in college to focus on becoming a trauma surgeon. After your parents died in a car crash, you wanted to help others who experience these types of accidents, trying to prevent other kids from growing up without their parents. You kept yourself pleased from time to time, but chose not to get emotions involved with anyone you engaged with after your first relationship in high school. He broke your heart and you realized that some average guy wasn't worth jeopardizing your future for. You didn't need romance to feel fulfilled, you had wonderful friends, a bright future ahead, and your loving grandmother.

"Grandma please, you know I'm not trying to find love right now."

Your grandma sighed, "But now is the time! Gotta find someone while you're still young and fertile. What about one of those friends you have? They're both sweet boys, date one of them! Now if I were you, I would one hundred percent choose—"

"No no, that is not going to happen." You cut her off while shaking your head and gagging internally at the thought of dating one of your friends.

Your grandma reached over to you to stroke your cheek, "Oh you make me so proud but still manage to make me so sad."

You smiled at her while taking her hand in yours, "I promise I will find love eventually. It's just not my main priority now, okay?"

Your grandma silently agreed and the two of you continued eating breakfast. Two hours later, you said goodbye to your grandma and your best friend, Cheyenne, picked you up. You had plans to meet up with your other friends, Jungkook and Hoseok, for lunch before moving back into your dorms.

You met Cheyenne in elementary school and have been best friends ever since. Jungkook joined your crew in high school, and Hoseok was your friend before the others. He was your neighbour growing up and his parents were friends with yours. Since he was three years older than you, he always saw you as a little sister and also took your new friends under his wing.

When you arrived at the restaurant, you noticed that Hoseok and Jungkook were already there, awkwardly waiting for you and Cheyenne outside Hoseok's car.

You both ran over to them and pulled everyone into a big group hug.

After getting out of your grip, Hoseok chuckled, "Wow, someone is happy to see us."

"Yeah, as if we didn't spend the entire summer together, too." Jungkook added while fixing his hair and readjusting his shirt.

Cheyenne decided to join in, "Oh shut up, let her have this moment. She just can't wait to continue overachieving."

You scoffed at Cheyenne, "Ok first of all, sorry for having actual goals in life," you turned to the boys, "And sorry for being happy to see my friends."

You all laughed as you walked towards the entrance. Hoseok put his arm around you, "Oh you know we're just joking. It's cute that you're all excited, it's nice to see you happy." This obviously caused Jungkook and Cheyenne to giggle at you two, but you both knew the real reason Hoseok said that.

Your parents died when you were nine years old, although you were sad, reality hadn't hit you until later in middle school and it was hard for you to stay happy. You hid this from everyone until Hoseok caught you crying once in your backyard, but he tried his best to support you. With his help and your grandma also doing her best, you were able to accept it and try to make them proud nevertheless.

The four of you sat down at a nice booth next to a window and ordered your food. As you ate, you reminisced about high school and the past two years of college. And of course, as if it's written on your forehead, your friends asked you about your love life.

"Guys please," You held your head in your hands, "I literally do not care about romance now. Fuck that, I just wanna focus on my career. First grandma, and now you guys."

Cheyenne gave Jungkook and Hoseok a look before replying, "We know that Y/N, but we all know you're going to end up locking yourself in your dorm or only staying at the library all year. We just think you can focus on some other stuff this year."

Jungkook joined in right away, "Yeah, we know you have a lot to study but that doesn't mean you can't live life."

You faced Jungkook, "And getting some gross boyfriend will help me live life?"

Jungkook opened his mouth but immediately shut it. A few seconds later, he spoke, "Well it's not the only way but it's a way. And the boyfriend doesn't have to be gross."

You smiled at his response but internally you were getting annoyed. You had this talk with your friends at least once a week at this point but they still weren't getting it.

Cheyenne held your shoulder, making you turn to her. "Okay but like what if someone did like you? And you had a pretty good friendship with him and you wanted to see where it could go?"

You furrowed your brows, "Why would I risk ruining a perfectly good friendship?"

"Because," Hoseok decided it was his turn, "That's how love works, you need to take risks, and you never know. Maybe it could blossom into a beautiful and healthy relationship."

"Yeah?" You turned to Jungkook, "I'm guessing you have something to say too?"

Jungkook froze in his seat for a second, "What? I—"

Cheyenne interrupted him, "We're not ganging up on you, Y/N. We just want to make sure you don't end up regretting how you spent college."

"Yeah, I'll regret it in my mansion while I save lives for a living,"

And with that, you all finished lunch and continued driving to campus.

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