~ Chapter 2 ~

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Once you got to your university campus, Hoseok went with Jungkook to help him as you and Cheyenne walked to your dorm.

As you were unpacking, Cheyenne decided to bring up the love talk again. "Seriously Y/N, you need to at least get some more dick this year."

You laughed at her, "Don't worry, I have my list of options."

Cheyenne raised an eyebrow at you, "And you genuinely plan on hitting up someone on that list?"

You stayed silent.

"That's what I thought." Cheyenne turned to grab a teddy bear, which she then decided to hit you with.

You tried to dodge it but missed, resulting in falling onto your bed. You lay for a bit as you thought about the conversation at lunch, something felt off about the way Jungkook was behaving so you decided to ask Cheyenne about it.

Cheyenne got immediately excited, "Oh? You noticed Jungkook was acting differently?"

You sat up, "Yeah, I don't know but he seemed a lot quieter than usual. But also seemed really anxious."

"Well then ask him if he's okay."

You shook your head, "Nah, I don't want to pressure him into telling me anything."

"Isn't it our job as his friends to make sure he's okay though? You can still ask him." She stated nonchalantly as she started putting her clothes into the small dorm closet.

You got up and walked over to Cheyenne's closet, and started helping her put away her clothes. "Listen, I'm gonna tell you something that you cannot speak of to anyone else."

You instantly caught her attention as she dropped the shirt in her hand, "Tell me!"

"My grandma wants me to date Jungkook." You quickly said, turning back towards the closet right after.

Cheyenne laughed, "Your grandma is shipping you with Jungkook? Did I hear that right?"

You sighed, "She thinks he likes me, and like especially this summer, you know he came over more than both you and Hoseok so we spent a lot more time together. And because of that he basically managed to get granny's blessing for marriage."

"But? You don't sound happy about this."

You looked at Cheyenne's eyes but then looked away. You took a deep breath before continuing, "Be honest with me. Do you think Jungkook likes me?"

Cheyenne looked at you and laughed, "I'm glad you finally see it, only took you five years."

You were defeated, "Okay in my defense, I haven't really paid attention to this type of stuff. And in high school I was all about Michael! I just thought Jungkook was being a super good friend."

Cheyenne continued laughing and shook her head, once she stopped, she asked, "So, are you going to do anything about it?"

~ Meanwhile ~

Hoseok and Jungkook were in Jungkook's dorm, unpacking and lightly decorating. Also waiting to properly meet Jungkook's roommate.

"Have you met your roommate before?" Hoseok asked as he opened boxes.

Jungkook was setting up his desk, "Nope, he transferred this semester. We've texted a few times to settle basic things but haven't actually talked to him."

"Well, hopefully you two will get along." Hoseok started taking out some of Jungkook's clothes, "Are you going to do anything about Y/N this year?"

Jungkook sighed, "She definitely does not want love and we learned she won't risk ruining friendships so there's no point."

Hoseok frowned, "Come on, you know her well enough to know she's just trying to protect herself from another MIchael."

"Well, I'm not good enough for her anyway," Jungkook answered quietly. "And I did try, all summer long. I won over her grandma but she still doesn't have any feelings for me. I guess I'll try to move on this year instead."

"All right then," Hoseok replied, deciding to mess with Jungkook to lighten the mood, "Where should I put your dinosaur boxers?"

"Shut up, you know I don't wear dinosaur boxers." Jungkook replied, not looking at Hoseok.

"Then what are these?"

Jungkook panicked as he quickly looked over at Hoseok, relieved to see that he was only kidding but then he blushed because he revealed he has dinosaur boxers. "You're really annoying sometimes."

"That's my job!" Hoseok put his hands on his hips and looked around Jungkook's room, "You know, everytime I do this, I feel like your father."

Jungkook rolled his eyes at Hoseok's bullshit, "Dude, if you're not going to help, you can leave."

Hoseok walked over to Jungkook, with fake tears filling his eyes as he held Jungkook's face and looked him in the eyes, "My son, you make me so proud."

"Okay, thanks dad, you should leave now," Jungkook said, getting tired of Hoseok's dramatic behaviour.

"Damn, you're way too hot to be a father." An unknown voice stated.

Jungkook and Hoseok looked over at the door to see someone standing there, placing some boxes down on the ground.

Hoseok let go of Jungkook's face and turned to the unknown man, "Hi! I'm not actually Jungkook's father, just a close friend. But thanks for the compliment!" He gave the stranger a sweet smile.

The stranger returned the smile and replied, "Ah, that makes more sense. I'm Jimin, the roommate." He reached out to shake both Hoseok's and Jungkook's hands. "You can visit anytime," he stated while winking at Hoseok.

"Yes, but now he should be going." Jungkook stated as he tried pushing him out of his dorm.

"Okay okay, I'm leaving. But give me a hug first," Hoseok said as he opened his arms, waiting for Jungkook. Once Jungkook gave him the hug, Hoseok giggled, "I love you, Kookie. Say it back."

"I love you hyung," Jungkook mumbled into Hoseok's shoulder.

"Great," Hoseok released Jungkook, "I'm gonna say bye to the girls and I'll be off." He gave Jimin a wave and left the dorm.

Jungkook awkwardly chucked at Jimin, "I'm sorry about that, he likes to annoy me by being over dramatic."

Jimin laughed, "Don't worry about it. My friend's coming with a few more boxes and he can be equally embarrassing."

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