~ Chapter 22 ~

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"FBI, open up!" Jin yelled as he loudly knocked on the door.

Everyone turned to him with raised eyebrows as Jungkook spoke in a quiet voice, "Um, we're not the FBI though."

Jin faced Jungkook, "You're too young to understand," he turned back to the door and knocked again, "FBI! Open up!" He shouted louder this time.

Namjoon whispered, "I don't think you can legally say that."

Jin shushed him and went back to knocking.

Soon Michael opened the door and looked at you guys with a confused face, "Um hello? Can I help you guys with something?"

Jin cleared his throat, "Are you Michael Walker?" Jin asked with an abnormally deep voice. He waited until Michael nodded, "Good. We have a warrant to search your house, may we come inside?"

"May I see the warrant?" Michael asked as he crossed his arms.

"Yes sir, here is it." Jin answered as he held up a random sheet of paper but quickly put it down before Michael could look at it. "Anyway, we're gonna enter now." Jin continued as he pushed past Michael and entered his house.

Michael stood behind the door as you all walked in, "Wait, I'm confused, why are you guys here?" He started questioning but stopped when he saw you walk in, "Y/N? You're with the FBI now?"

You sighed, knowing you could've been peacefully sleeping. "No, we're—"

"Agent Y/L/N is not doing her job properly," Jin whispered into his watch as if it was connected to an intercom.

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Hyung, can you drop the act? It's scaring the poor kid." He stated as he motioned towards Michael.

Jin was about to argue back when Taehyung groaned, "Michael, where's your dad right now?"

Michael thought for a second but then shrugged, "My dad? I don't know actually. He was supposed to come home like two hours ago but he works late a lot."

Jimin continued. "And what is his job?"

Michael leaned against the wall, "Beats me, it'd be more surprising if I actually knew where he worked." After noticing the confusion on the seven men's faces, he stood back up, "My dad doesn't tell me anything, ever. I didn't even know who my last three stepmoms were until the rehearsal dinner."

You sighed, you felt bad that his dad never gave him attention and knew he was telling the truth about it. "Michael, can I talk to you privately?"

"Fuck no." Taehyung responded, causing everyone to turn to him. "We don't know if we can trust him and I'm not gonna take that risk."

Jungkook laughed, "The irony of that statement."

Hoseok laughed as he hit Jungkook to shut him up, "Y/N, go talk to Michael, we'll stay here. Michael, I'm trusting you, got it?"

Michael nervously nodded as he led you to the kitchen, "Y/N what is going on? Is this some sort of revenge for cheating on you? I know it was wrong and I do regret it but like I was a stupid child."

You shook your head, "No, I don't care about that anymore." You sighed, "This is about your dad."

Michael stopped pleading as he gave you a confused look again, "What does he have to do with anything?"

"Okay listen," you looked up at Michael with concerned eyes, "We have video evidence of your dad breaking into my house and kidnapping my grandma because apparently he's trying to take over the country with robots."

Michael stared at you blankly.

You laughed a little, "Wow, now I know why Jungkook couldn't tell me anything, that sounded so fake. But, we need your help."

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