~ Chapter 21 ~

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You didn't need an answer. From the looks on Hoseok, Namjoon, and Jin's faces, you already knew they'd only give bad news.

You quickly opened your phone again and tried calling your grandma but of course, she didn't pick up. As you started to panic, Jungkook held you as Hoseok also tried comforting you.

"Okay," Namjoon started, "Chances are that Mr. Walker doesn't want your grandma, she's an old lady who can just pretend to not know anything. He probably took her to lure you or your parents, basically what they were going to do with you." He ended while pointing at Taehyung, Jimin, and Yoongi.

"Namjoon, that doesn't really help. They could still hurt her!" You said, trying to calm yourself down.

"Alright, it'll be okay," Hoseok spoke as he patted your back, "It's just the streaming of the footage that isn't working. We made sure that the footage gets stored onto a tape as well. We just have to go to your house to get it."

"Is it safe enough to do that?" Jungkook asked.

Namjoon sighed, "Honestly, I can't guarantee it but we'll go extra prepared. Y/N can stay in the van with one of us until we check and make sure it's safe for her to go in."

You loudly sighed as you leaned back into the couch and covered your face with your hands, "Fucking hell, I just wanted a boyfriend."

Jimin laughed, "This can be a fun story for your future kids, right?"

You stared blankly at Jimin as your response.

"Anyway, we should get ready to go then." Yoongi paused to chuckle, "Thankfully none of us have class tomorrow."

"Well, actually—" You started to say, earning raised eyebrows from the six secret agents in the room.

Hoseok interrupted, "Y/N, your bio exam is important but I think you need to focus on your grandma's safety right now."

You rolled your eyes at Hoseok but nodded, knowing you didn't have an actual choice. You and Jungkook sat and watched the agents get ready. They all started putting on gear and got some stuff out for you as well. You all started getting into Jin's van and you had to mentally prepare yourself for whatever might happen next.

Once you arrived at your house, you watched everyone except Jin leave the car and carefully walk in. You sighed as you leaned into your seat, anxiously fiddling with your fingers as you waited for them to call Jin and let him know if it was safe for you to enter.

As you waited, you decided to try to redeem yourself. "Hey Jin," you called, waiting for him to turn around from the driver's seat.

"Yeah?" Jin answered, as he turned to face you.

"Knock knock" You said with a smile.

"Who's there?"


"You who?"

"I didn't know you could yodel!" You exclaimed, waiting for his reaction.

Jin smiled, "That was actually funny, better than the first one."

You pouted, "But you didn't even laugh!"

That caused Jin to laugh, "Sometimes acknowledging a good joke is enough."

You loudly sighed as you went back to twiddling your thumbs and waiting. You perked up when you heard Jin's phone ringing and listened to his conversation.

Once he hung up, he turned back to you, "Alright, coast is super clear. Let's go."

You waited for Jin to exit the van and watched him walk over to open the door for you. As you walked towards your house, you stayed close to him, worrying that someone could attack you.

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