~ Chapter 13 ~

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"Taehyung," Yoongi started as he watched Taehyung enter their dorm, "Mind telling us where you were last night?"

Taehyung was startled when he saw Yoongi and Jimin facing him with their arms crossed the second he walked into his dorm. Taehyung looked everywhere but at them, trying to think of an excuse but gave up, "You know, hyung, if you dyed your hair green now, you and Jimin could be like Cosmo and Wanda. Wouldn't that be cute?"

Yoongi rolled his eyes, "Please answer my question."

"I have a feeling you already know the answer."

Yoongi rubbed his forehead and went to sit on his bed, telling Jimin to take over. "Taehyung, please be honest, are you falling for her?"

Taehyung scoffed, "Of course not, I need to get close with her if I want her to be honest and open with me."

"Getting close to her and going physically inside her are two different things, dipshit." Yoongi stated as he threw a pillow at Taehyung. Yoongi stood back up and walked over to Taehyung and Jimin, "Did her roommate just not come home? Or did you guys quietly fuck while she slept?"

Taehyung bit his tongue, stopping himself from replying sarcastically. He took a deep breath before answering, "Her roommate wasn't home."

"Ah, how wonderful!" Yoongi replied with fake enthusiasm.

Jimin turned Yoongi to face him and held his face in his hands, "Hyung, it's okay. He's still a little stupid, maybe he just wasn't ready for this."

"I don't appreciate that," Taehyung stated.

Jimin shot him a look, nonverbally telling him to shut up. He let go of Yoongi's face and faced Taehyung, "Dude, we're doing all this for you. You need to get yourself together and get us actual answers. What did you learn yesterday?"

Taehyung sighed as he walked over to his bed and laid down, "Okay in my defense, it's weird if all I do is ask about her parents and their jobs! I have to space it out."

Jimin and Yoongi exchanged a look and stood over Taehyung's bed. Yoongi forced a smile, "Taehyung, if you don't get us information by the end of the semester, I will get it myself using a much faster method."

Jimin hit Yoongi's arm and turned to face Taehyung, "Understand that realistically, you can't be with her anyway, especially not after this mission. The sooner you get information and we find out what really happened that night, the sooner you can leave this place and stop yourself from breaking Y/N's heart."


A month had passed and you were studying at the lounge with Cheyenne and Jungkook. You've already gone on two dates with Taehyung since your first and now you were waiting for him to make it official. You told Cheyenne every detail about your dates but left out some information when telling Jungkook and Hoseok, knowing they'd both react dramatically.

Today you had another date with him. Your friends were surprised that you were actively making time for him, especially because they all claimed you barely knew him. But you felt secure enough to risk it. Even if he wasn't the soulmate you've been dreaming of, he'd still be a life lesson to make the next relationship easier.

It was almost time for your date so you started packing up. Today was just going to be a study date, so you were going to meet Taehyung at the library to continue your assignments.

As you got up, Cheyenne giggled, "Date number four, I wonder how far this one will go."

Your eyes widened as you pressed your lips together, tilting your head slightly towards Jungkook.

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