You sighed, "Can you just clearly tell me what you think is so wrong with Taehyung then?"

Jungkook rubbed his forehead, "He literally took you to a restaurant where a man almost got shot."

"Okay, how was he supposed to know that people planned an attack on that government official in a burger joint? At that specific location? At that specific time?"

Jungkook continued, "He also had you hide in a van with his buddies and then he went inside to do whatever the fuck he had to do while his friends watched him on a monitor. And he still hasn't told you what he needed to do or why he did it."

You opened your mouth, about to retaliate but realized that you never told Jungkook about that, "How do you even know that? I never told you that."

"Hoseok did, and if you know something is so dangerous that you can't even tell your best friends, isn't that a sign that you shouldn't be spending time with him?"

You waved your hand, "Hold on, so you and Hoseok are just exchanging information about me now? What are you, my parents?"

"No we're not, but your parents are literally dead because they were involved with people like Taehyung."

You were taken back, surprised that Jungkook would bring your parents into his petty argument, "Excuse me? How the fuck can you say that?"

Jungkook bit his lip, "Okay, I'm sorry that was uncalled for. But it's the truth, you just don't know it yet."

"How is that the truth? They died in an accidental car crash."

Jungkook looked at you, "You don't actually know that though, it might've not been an accident."

"What the fuck are you talking about? Please tell me what I apparently don't know."

Jungkook sighed as he got up from Cheyenne's bed and sat next to you, "Look, I legally can't tell you anything now."

"That's bullshit."

"Oh so when Taehyung says he can't tell you yet, you believe him but you won't believe me?"

You shrugged, "Taehyung was barely my friend then so he didn't really have to tell me, you're still one of my best friends. So I believe you should tell me anyway."

"Listen, I'm genuinely trying to keep you safe. You really don't know Taehyung and you don't know that he could hurt you if he felt it was necessary. His intentions aren't what you think they are. Haven't you noticed anything oddly coincidental when he shared information about himself?"

"People die everyday, Jungkook. It's possible that his parents and mine died on the same night."

Jungkook took a breath, getting tired from arguing, "And you don't think it's weird how often he asks about your parents? Or how he never gives specific information about his own parents?"

You rolled your eyes, "That's how people bond, when they find something in common, they naturally gravitate towards talking about it more. It's not weird, it's actually nice to talk about them with someone who understands."

Jungkook put his head in his hands and sighed, "Y/N, he's literally planning on killing you!"

You scoffed in disbelief, "Do you think before you speak? Because now you're accusing him of attempting to murder me."

Jungkook looked back at you, "See? The truth is so fucking insane that you won't believe me. That's why I've just been a bitch towards your relationship instead of just telling you."

"What the fuck? So you're actually gonna stand by this absurd claim? Look me in the eye and repeat that."

Jungkook rolled his eyes before looking straight into yours, "Taehyung is planning on killing you in order to get revenge on your parents who killed his parents."

This time you just started laughing, you couldn't believe Jungkook would make up some crazy story like that. You were also enraged but decided laughing is the healthier choice and just kept laughing while Jungkook just watched, not knowing how to react.

Your laughter stopped when you heard a knock on your door. You got yourself together as you went to open it. You were greeted with Taehyung, wearing a black hoodie with black sweatpants.

"Oh, Taehyung! I texted you earlier."

Taehyung gave you a small smile, noticing Jungkook sitting on your bed, "Yeah I was gonna reply but decided to knock first to see if you were here."

You smiled back at him, "Ah, that makes sense. Do you need anything?"

You noticed Taehyung's eyes go to Jungkook once again as he stepped a bit closer to you and leaned towards your ear, "Do you wanna go drive around with me? I need to clear my head a little."

Before you could reply, Jungkook got up and stood next to you, "Yeah no, Y/N here has a paper to write and two exams to study for, she can't just get up and fuck around whenever you feel like it."

Taehyung rolled his eyes, "But I wasn't asking you, was I? I was asking my girlfriend if she wanted to spend time with me and she is capable of making her own decision."

You lightly held Taehyung's arm, "I can push back the assignments, a car ride will be nice." You turned to Jungkook, "You should probably get going."

Jungkook was about to stop you but you had already walked out with Taehyung, leaving him alone in your dorm. Jungkook was just about to leave when he saw your phone on your desk, realizing you left it. He grabbed your phone and headed outside, hoping to find you so he could give it back to you but Taehyung's car was gone.

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