After running to a whole other building, up three flights of stairs, and into like five poor students, Hoseok finally found Yoongi sitting on the floor in front of his dorm, panting as he tried to catch his breath. Hoseok slowly walked over to him and joined him.

"Why are you chasing me?"

"Why did you start running?" Hoseok replied, mimicking Yoongi's tone.

"Because you were chasing me!"

Hoseok shook his head and waved his pointer finger in Yoongi's face, "No, no, no, you started running before I started chasing you."

"Fuck man, how did you manage to catch up?" Yoongi asked in between breaths.

Hoseok chuckled, "My legs have always been longer than yours, hyung."

Meanwhile, the art museum was beautiful and Taehyung had many insightful thoughts on what you saw. You walked to a nearby park after buying food for your late lunch. You set up the blanket and opened all the food. Taehyung even bought a small cake but wouldn't show you until you ate first.

You quickly ate your food, too eager to see the cake. Taehyung laughed, thinking about how adorable it was that you were so excited about a simple cake. Taehyung knew it was wrong of him to let himself fall for you and knew that he should at least control himself so he wouldn't be heartbroken, but he couldn't.

He was just like you. He never let himself actually find love and needed to be taught how to seduce you before starting the mission. He always pictured himself being alone and was okay with it, believing that all you need in life is an animal companion and a couple friends. But starting this relationship with you showed him that he really wanted love. He craved it. Watching you get excited over his smallest actions made him feel a type of happiness he wanted to feel forever.

After you two finished lunch, it was time for the cake. You wanted to open it right away but Taehyung told you to close your eyes as he set it up. You waited for him, with your hands covering your eyes, thinking of what this cake might look like,

After Taehyung opened the box, he spoke, "Okay, you can your eyes now."

You removed your hands from your eyes and looked at the cake. It was heart shaped and frosted with white frosting with red florets along the edges and strawberries in between. In the middle of the cake, it read, "Will you be my girlfriend?"

You covered your mouth with both hands, internally screaming, "Aww Taehyung! Yes, I'll be your girlfriend!" You quickly grabbed his face and gave him a short but sweet peck on his lips.

You noticed Taehyung shyly look down, ears slightly turning red.

"Taehyung?" you waited until he looked at you, "Are you blushing?" You asked teasingly.

Taehyung raised his brows but shook his head, "Nope, not at all."

You giggled at his response, "You're literally blushing right now, your face is so red." You stated as you poked his cheek.

Taehyung refused to look at you as he swatted away your finger, "Relax, Y/N."

You leaned over to him, trying to meet his eyes. You saw his small smile before he hid it from you with his jacket. After this momentous development in your relationship, you and Taehyung quietly rested. You both enjoyed this peaceful silence as you laid on the blanket.

"Y/N? Do you ever just think about that night specifically?"

You thought before replying, "I used to think about it everyday but not as much lately." You sat up to remember more, "I remember I was just watching cartoons with my grandma, waiting for my parents to get home. They were going to their couple friends' house for dinner. But then, only two hours after they left, their boss showed up. Mr Walter? Or maybe it was Walker? I don't know but he came to tell us and gave us the hospital records. And that was it."

Taehyung nodded, mentally noting to check for those records. But then he started thinking about his own parents. "How did you cope?"

You sighed, "Well, I was eight. I didn't understand the concept of death. But when I was like eleven or twelve, that's when it actually hit. Honestly, I spent a lot of my teenage years just crying but thankfully I had a good support system. Cheyenne, Hoseok, Jungkook, and my grandma, they all helped me a lot. Always kept an eye out for signs and then gave me what I needed. Soon enough I, well not moved on but I accepted it and now I can live my life."


You frowned, "I'm guessing your experience wasn't the same."

Taehyung sighed loudly as he sat up and faced you, "No. I grew up with my aunt and uncle and don't get me wrong, they did everything they could. And my friends are amazing, always supporting me even when I do fuck up. But I hated myself for my reaction to their deaths."

You moved next to him. You gently held one of his hands and leaned closer to him.

Taehyung used his free hand to rub his forehead. He took a deep breath, "My parents weren't the best. Even though I was just ten, they did not treat me the way parents should treat their kid. Hell, I barely wanted to be at home half the time. I was always at Yoongi's or Jimin's place. So like, when they died, I was almost happy. Which is so fucked up because my parents were literally murdered, but like, at least they couldn't hurt me anymore."

You noticed tears forming in Taehyung's eyes and you gently wiped them away with your thumb, "It's okay, you can keep talking."

Taehyung sniffled but then took another deep breath, "Once high school hit, Jin started taking more direct care of me. Either he was always over at my place or I was at his. He was the one who actually suggested therapy to my uncle, who was not agreeing at first. But soon enough Yoongi joined and they both convinced him."

You gently pet his back. Taehyung's tears started flowing faster now so you moved behind him and wrapped your arms around him while resting your head on his shoulder. "I'm really glad you got help."

Taehyung nodded as he wiped his nose on a napkin. He sighed and leaned back into your arms. He leaned his head against yours as he spoke, "There was even a period of time where I just didn't wanna be here anymore but I'm all good now." You felt him laugh a bit, "Lately I've just realized how thankful I am for my friends. Like today, I was feeling a little sad and Yoongi immediately suggested playing that song for me, a song he's been playing since we were kids, just because it always made me feel better."

You smiled at that, gently squeezing Taehyung to tighten your hug.

Taehyung laughed lightly as he moved out of your arms and faced you, "This might sound like a lot but I'm really glad I met you. This whole experience makes me finally feel like a normal person."

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