Wk 12 pt 1: The Owl Laments

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"You know, it's polite to give a response." The stranger says breezily, taking a seat on the rock next to Techno. The light fell on their face, ginger hair flowing down their back, blue clear eyes staring.

The stranger wore a white fluffy jacket. The hoodie, as the figure flipped it down, was adorned by two cat ears. The stranger- Technoblade dubbed them Ginger in his head- tilts their head. "I'm still waiting." They tell Techno, a curious lilt to their tone.

A ginger striped pair of pants, made of the same fluffy material as the jacket. "Sorry," Techno murmurs in response, ever careful and cuttingly polite. "It is quite pretty, I agree." He tilts his head back, long pink hair gleaming in the light. "If I may ask, who are you?" And why are you here? He adds silently.

"I am..." the stranger grins, tiny incisors showing, blinking their eyes doe-like. "No one of importance... not right now at any rate." It continues. "Although the viewers might disagree."

Techno raises an eyebrow, keeping silent.

Ginger grins. "And the only reason I'm here is to test you. I want to see if you're ready."

The elf shifts his weight, crouching on the rock as he fingers the cross-guard of his sword. "What do you mean?" Technoblade keeps his tone polite and conversational, striking and unnerving, yes, but still polite and conversational. "Ready for what?"

Ginger sits closer, and it's smile turns into a predatory smirk. Despite himself, Techno shivers, red eyes regarding the strange figure beside him. "Well, really, just ready for what she'll throw at you, I suppose." Ginger murmurs, tilting its head.

"I..." at a loss for words, Techno looks around. "I suppose?"

Ginger narrows it's eyes. "You didn't have a choice anyway." It says, before springing into action.

Damn it's fast. Techno swears, sidestepping it's first strike, drawing his sword in one fluid motion. "Can you explain-" Slash. "Any more than that?"

Ginger draws a knife, flinging it towards the elf's face, who's eyes widen in surprise, ducking. Hearing the whistle of air just above his hair, Techno curses softly.

The tall pinkette runs, stopping and starting as knives are thrown at him, the stranger predicting where he was going with a single glance.

They continued this deadly game for a while, before the creature shrugs, sighing. "I'm out of knives."

And I'm out of breath. Techno protests in his head. "So you're done?" He pants.

"Doesn't mean that I can't still test you." Ginger grins, dashing towards the other, flicking its blade up in an arc towards the elf's neck. Techno barely blocks it, and the ringing of metal clashing echoes in the night.

The pinkette furrows his eyebrows, fighting the urge to disengage the blade and strike.

Ginger did it for him, moving its blade in a flash, striking down on his arm, and Techno yelps, barely flipping his sword to catch the blade on the handle.

Ginger danced behind him, and with a start, Technoblade feels a cold metal touching the base of his neck. 

Panting, he prepares himself.

The strength of this creature was insane.

With a sigh, the creature steps back, disengaging the knife from the elf's neck. "You really need to work on a lot."

Cheeks burning with shame, Techno turns back to Ginger. He hadn't yet been bested at swordplay, but this creature made so many interesting moves, blocking with the cross-guard and analysing his every move with a flick of the eyes. "What was that?" The tall pinkette snaps, running a hand through his hair.

Ginger raises a hand, still perfectly still and fluffy jacket untouched. "It's called skill. If you want to improve, come back tomorrow at the same time. I'll be waiting."

With a start, the creature scampers off, into the green bushes, a fluid motion of white and ginger.

Technoblade is left standing in the clearing, ornate knives left buried in the tree trunks. With a sigh, he pulls them out of the trees, wincing at the damage, pressing a hand on each one to give them more energy to heal.

Turning the knife over in his calloused hands, Techno stares. A twisting design, it flowed in his hand, buzzing with energy and ancient art. With a sigh, the pinkette tucks the knives away in his brooch.

Yawning, the tall elf starts on the way back home to the yew tree.

On the overgrown path, the vines twisting, the pair of footsteps grow heavier as Techno walks home. The squirrel from before chirps at him, and the auburn leaves crunch.

Moonlight shines through the trees as Techno reaches his home, and he climbs back through his window.

"If you want to improve, come back tomorrow at the same time. I'll be waiting."

He lies on his bed, barely sleeping, until daylight shines through the windows, and for the last time that night, the owl laments.

TechnoAnxietyOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz