Chapter 11: Just One Kiss

Start from the beginning

Yamaguchi smiled.  "Well, you might say that, but I think it's a little different with you."

"Really?  Why?"

Oh my goodness, Yamaguchi thought, so alike in so many ways.  Am I going to have to walk you through this as well?  "Well, we were a lot younger when we met.  And, you and Tsukki have a...uh...different dynamic than he and I do."

"Okay?  Can you be a little more specific?"

"Just think about it, Nakano.  I think you'll start to see it if you consider how you and I are different people."

Tsukishima took off his headphones and turned to glare at the two of them.  "Are you guys just gonna ignore me today?"

Yamaguchi moved up to join the blonde.  "Sorry, Tsukki.  You just looked like you were really into your music."

The two boys struck up a conversation, but Nakano remained a few paces behind, considering what Tadashi had said.  "What about you, Naka-chan?" Tsukishima asked.  "Planning on ignoring me all day?"  

She looked up and caught his eyes.  He was smirking at her now, his eyes filled with warmth and sassy humor.  Damn, she thought, I love those eyes.  She felt a curious sensation in the pit of her stomach as she caught up with the boys and teased Tsukishima about people who leave their headphones on but then complain that no one talks to them.


Tsukishima was having a bad day.

Actually, he was having another bad day in a series of bad days, but this one was really starting to irk him.

Nakano had come cheerfully walking up to him on his way in.  He'd been hoping she'd be elsewhere.  She'd been on his mind all the previous day, preventing him from concentrating and robbing him of sleep.  He didn't understand why he couldn't shake her loose from his thoughts, and it irritated him.  So, he buried himself in music and ignored her.

And then, as they walked along, he realized she was leaving him alone.  And that irritated him even more.  Why didn't she pay attention to him?  And then when Yamaguchi showed up, she had all kinds of words for him.  Part of him knew he was being ridiculous - he was the one with the headphones on and the music turned up.  So he tried...he really just set it all aside and engage with his friends a little.  And it worked.  He felt a little better, just talking and teasing with his friends as they always did.

Until Nakano tripped  as she walked to her seat in the classroom.

She'd parked her wheelchair in the back, as always, and was headed for her seat.  Yamaguchi had asked her something, and she turned to him to answer.  She didn't see that the long strap from her messenger bag was right under her own foot.  As she started to fall, Tsukishima was already in motion, grabbing her around her waist and pulling her in towards his chest.

It felt so good to hold her again.  He breathed in gently to take in her scent.  She was saying something, looking embarrassed, but he could barely hear her.  It was like his brain was foggy and all he really knew was that he didn't want to let her go.

Registering that thought, he let her go.  He was pretty sure she had said some form of thank you.  He patted her shoulder and sat down without another word.  He couldn't understand what the hell was happening to him.  He couldn't wait for moments like that to come, and then couldn't stand himself for feeling that way.  It was all so damn confusing.  He tried desperately to come up with an explanation for what was happening to him...all while completely refusing to believe what was happening to him.

His Warrior Queen: A Haikyuu!! Novel (Tsukishima x OC)Where stories live. Discover now