Hawk finally looked over at them an eyebrow raised.

"Just pierce my nose already!" AJ exclaimed quickly before Tory could say anything else.

Tory laughed softly before holding AJ's chin so she wouldn't move. AJ felt the needle that they were using slide through her nose. She winced a bit but was mostly focused on getting the ring in once the needle was out.

AJ walked to the mirror and put the ring in before turning back around to face the other two "Well?"

"I think it looks good, Hawk?" Tory asked looking over at the boy who was staring at AJ.

"Y-yeah, really good, really beautiful" Hawk nodded a bit.

AJ felt her face flush "Thanks!" She said looking at him then back at Tory who was giving her a 'told you so' look.

AJ rolled her eyes at her as she sat back down. The three of them hung out for a while just talking about random things and Cobra Kai.

"Well I should go now because I have to pick up Rickenberger and Johnson before heading to Golf 'N Stuff." Tory stood up from AJ's bed.

"Yikes you got picked as their designated driver?" AJ looked at her with a frown.

"Yeah" Tory sighed as she grabbed her bag, "we also might be a little bit late because I have to grab my paycheck before we head over."

AJ and Hawk nodded "Just text us when you get to Golf 'N Stuff" he told Tory.

"I will" She told them before beginning to leave AJ's room but not before she looked at the both of them and said "Make sure you use protection" Tory winked at them as she walked out of the door.

AJ's face turned bright red as she watched the girl leave. Hawk choked on air and began to cough a bit looking to the side.

"So are the others on their way here?" AJ asked the coughing boy.

"Pretty sure" Hawk managed to say.

"Cool, cool" AJ nodded as she sat back down on her bed "You know you should have let Tory pierce your ear"

"I'm good" Hawk told her with a small laugh "That and I think my mom would actually kill me this time."

"Oh for sure" AJ laughed.

"Speaking about being killed by parents how are yours going to react to the piercing?"

"Ummmmm hopefully not as bad as last time" AJ thought about it "I may have to buy them ice cream or something to make them happy before I tell them."

Hawk nodded "Smart" he said before checking his phone. "They're here"

"Okay let's go Mohawk" AJ stood up from her bed.

"After you Rapunzel" He laughed as he held the door open for her.

"How sweet!" AJ laughed as she walked out of her room with him and down to the car that was waiting for them.

Once the group got to Golf 'N Stuff, the boys of the group began to run ahead to the entrance.

"Oh yeah don't wait up!" AJ yelled after them sarcastically.

Hawk laughed before running back to her grabbing her hand pulling her along. AJ giggled softly as she ran with him trying to hide her very red face.

The group ran through the area causing destruction. AJ laughed as she watched Hawk knock a basketball away from a kid.

One of the other Cobra Kai boys grabbed the tickets as Hawk yelled back "Thank you!"

AJ rolled her eyes at them as she sent the kids they took it from a small apologetic smile. She realized in the process Hawk had dropped her hand. AJ turned back around and ran to catch up with the group.

Inseparable//A Cobra Kai StoryWhere stories live. Discover now