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Start from the beginning

"No! Absolutely not!" Sirius yelled, turning away from the man with the red suit.

After explaining to Fury that Athena has some sort of connection to the Tesseract and would help them find it - which was just a theory, not a complete truth (but Fury didn't know that) - Tony had flown down to the tower, leaving his suit there and went to Athena's room and used the floo to go to Sirius' house. Overtime, the Avengers had gotten used to using the floo transportation to go from their place to London as it was quicker.

"We would be able to help her Sirius! We can find out what's causing the light and how we can get rid of it!" Stark followed him.

James on the other hand, was on the couch, watching as Tony tried to reason with Sirius. "No Pads, he might be able to help. We know that the only thing us wizards can do right is numb the pain. Maybe if they have a look at her then they can help her."

The Black thought about it, his thoughts clouding his mind. He knew they were right and that they probably would find out what it is causing the light and pain, and if would have said yes to letting her go there, if it wasn't for Tony mentioning the currently locked up god aboard on the ship.

"But what if that green, horn god on that ship breaks out? Athena would be in danger and-"

"We've got it. You're forgetting that there are superheroes aboard. Besides, Athena can handle herself seeing as she grew up with us."

"Fine." Sirius huffed. "But if she has one single scratch on her, I swear Stark I'm not lying when I said I will hex your arse."

"Noted." Tony nodded. Sirius shook his head, walking over to sit next to James.

"I'll head back to the school and tell Dumbledore about... your plans. I'll come back here with her."

And with that, Sirius used the fireplace to floo to Dumbledore's office. Tony sat down on one of the arm chairs, a sigh escaping his lips.


Sirius left the Headmasters office next to Dumbledore, walking to Hospital Wing where his daughter was still located. After he spoke the plan about bring Athena to the Avengers, Dumbledore had agreed. Then the older man mentioned the new information about Athena's pain decreasing and the new found power she had mention.

The father rushed into the Wing, hugging his daughter as he laid eyes on her. "How are you doing? Albus said that the pain has decreased and that you can teleport? Teleport- how?"

Athena laughed, hugging his father back. "Yeah, it was an accident really. I was hungry and thought of the kitchens, then black clouds swallowed me and I was in the kitchens."

"That's... oddly cool." Sirius answered. The thought about the Avengers theory of her being connected to the stones entering his mind. "Anyways, I called Tony - well, then Nat - and I explained to them about the light coming out of your chest. They said they might be able to help you so they want me to take you to them."

"Oh, so I'm going to leave school? For how long?" Athena questioned.

"Just until they can figure out what's going on with the light."

Athena nodded, "are we leaving now?"

"The sooner, the better pup."

"Okay... Can I say good bye to my friends? Who knows how long I'll be gone for." She asked, looking up to her father - who simply agreed along with a nod.

Three third-year Gryffindors and two fifth-year twins were soon disrupted from their classes, walking to the the Hospital Wing. A bag consisting of her books and textbooks, as she would still need to continue her study, was packed. Her trunk was also packed, seeing as it would have no use being left at Hogwarts. Remus was already in the room before the others arrived, hugging his god daughter goodbye. But seeing as he still had a class to teach, he had to leave.

"Okay, before I hug any of you, don't make this sad because I don't do sad." Athena warned the group, watching them as they laugh.

The girl hugged Ron first, the two embracing each other comfortingly. "See you soon Fi. Go get that light bulb of yours fixed." The youngest Weasley brother joked, listening to what she previously said.

The Black girl laughed softly, pulling away from the hug. "Hopefully, but it wouldn't be so bad lighting up everyone's day now is it?"

"You don't need to light up everyone's day with light coming out of your chest." The eldest twin hugged her first, crouching down due to his height, then he released her.

"He's right, just you yourself can do that." George gave her a tight, yet soft hug, crouching down as well. "Don't be gone too long."

"I'll try not to." A soft smile on her face as she hugged him back, her chin on his shoulder. Letting go, she embraced the next person, the same familiar comforting ones she would receive on the nights nightmare ruins her sleep. "Please come back soon. I don't know if I can handle the two boys by myself."

The dark-haired girl laughed sadly. "I might just, I want to see how long before you burst."

"Oh come on we're not that bad!" Ron yelled from behind her, causing both girls to let out laughs.

Then the two let go, Athena then rushed to the last boy, giving her brother a bear hug. "I swear Harry if I find out you get into any major trouble like the last two years without me, I will come back and reign hell on you."

"Never." Harry spoke softly. "This is like first year again. You and 'Mione brought Ron back while I had to go defeat Quirell."

"Never liked that man. Always seemed suspicious to me, not to mention he smelt like he bathed in garlic." Athena commented.

Harry chuckled. "Yeah, but instead of me leaving it's you. And you're off to go get yourself better, while I got myself hurt."

"Yeah, but don't worry. I won't come back to Hogwarts with a broken rib or something."

"You better not."


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