"Bakugo, respect your classmates and (L/N) get back in your seat!" Aizawa says his last remark and gives us a look that no one can ignore.

I scoff at him and that stupid ash-haired kid and get back to my seat. My day is starting off perfectly... I already have someone I hate. If he's going to cause me issues, I'm going to have to deal with him soon and shut him up once and for all.

"Psst! Hey," I look up, and the red-head is talking to me. "I'm Kirishima Eijiro. Sorry about Bakugo; he could be a bit intense sometimes. Don't worry, he will come around." well thanks, but I don't really care if he does.

"Nice to meet you, and I really can't be fucked if he likes me or not. As long as he stays away from me." I give him a sarcastic smile and make him look forward again. Now that my parents know that my friendships are fake, I don't have to play nice anymore and force myself to make friends.

Without even realizing it, because I wasn't paying attention, homeroom was over, and a bunch of other classes as well. A bell rings, signaling for lunch. The teacher dismisses us, and everyone starts to get up to leave.

"You're (L/N) (Y/N) right!? Does that mean you're related to the 'Duo Heroes'? The (L/N)s?" the excited kid from earlier rushes towards me and asks, and with that, everyone was looking at me now, waiting for an answer.

"Uhh... ya. They're my parents." I answer hesitantly, knowing the energy this news brings and how people react.

"Oh my God! That's amazing!"

"Damn! Both her parents are heroes; how cool is that!"

"I can't believe their daughter is in my class. It's so nice to meet you; my name is Midoriya Izuku. I was a huge fan of your parents; they were amazing!" he shares and extends his hand for a shake.

I shake his hand and greet him back. "Thanks, I guess." I never know what to say to these people. Sorry, my parents aren't heroes anymore? Please keep supporting them even though they aren't heroes anymore? Sometimes I get the urge to ask if they are disappointed.

I catch the ash kid looking back at me, so he was listening in. Ha! Do you regret calling me an extra now? "What are you looking at, asshole?" I ask with a grimace.

"Nothing much, just wondering how such successful heroes brought about such a lame-ass kid." he gets off his seat and makes his way to the door.

Augh! The nerve on this kid! "Oi! What the fuck is your issue, man? What crawled up your ass and died?" I stand and face him, trying really hard to control my anger.

"I don't have time to waste on you. So fuck off." he flips me off and exits the room.

I was officially fuming! This guy is so going to die, and I'll be the one to kill him.

"(L/N)-san, it's best to just ignore Kacchan. He isn't the friendliest around." he awkwardly chuckles.

"Who the fuck is Kacchan? That brat? What kind of nickname is that?" I found it very weird; this rude piece of shit has a cute nickname like that.

"Ah, we are childhood friends, and the name just stuck, I guess." he chuckles while rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, you must have had a shitty childhood. I feel sorry for you." I click my tongue and try to calm down to wipe the grimace off my face.

"Boy, do you have a colorful language. Never met such a pretty girl like that." some guy with yellow hair stands next to me and smirks at me. "Hi, I'm Kaminari Denki. Nice to meet you; I'd love to get to know you." the smirk still on his lips.

And the grimace is back... Is this guy flirting with me from day one? "And I'd like to get away from you." I move away and exit the class.

"(L/N)-san! Wait up." I look back and find Kirishima following me. "Look, I'm sorry about everyone. Your day didn't really start off well, especially since Bakugo was involved. But I promise we have good people in our class if you just give us a chance to get to know each other." he smiles, and it was the brightest thing I have ever seen.

Fucking Feelings {Bakugo x Reader}Where stories live. Discover now