He was told that they'd reach Kleon at dawn the next day, and he spent most of the afternoon strolling on deck for this was his first time being on a ship and the limitlessness of the sky and the sea made him realize the vastness that the world actually was, the wind in his hair felt different from the winds that had grazed through his skin in the mountains.

Jimin silently plotted his strike as he watched the omega prince from behind a barricaded window, twirling a vial of purple potion in his hands.

He tried not to think about the justice in what he had planned to do, telling himself that survival will be but a thin chance for the innocent omega even if he is left stranded somewhere to fend for himself. He will probably be picked up by alphas to use him as their plaything and would be pitted to suffer a fate far worse than what awaited him in the royal palace of Kleon.

Death would no doubt be easier.

"Dinner will be shortly served, I say we call him inside now" a voice spoke behind him and Jimin gulped harshly, secretly hiding the hand that held the vial behind the folds of his robes.

"Yes" he replied stiffly and watched the General leave to act on the words.

This could end up in him losing his life as well if anyone would come to know of his plan, his lord would slit his throat without a thought if he would ever know how he had betrayed his plans to acquire the prince.

But Jimin could not tolerate the thought of his desired mate claim someone else in front of him. So, when he heard that Seokjin had requested to dine alone in the chamber, Jimin's palpitations rose as he hastened to make sure he was the one who would serve the other his food.

Although he couldn't stay to accompany him through dinner because the prince was not comfortable taking his veil off in front of them.

When everyone finally retired to their chambers bidding goodnight, Seokjin laid down in his plush bed, silently eyeing the other who was bundled up beneath his covers at the other end of the room, he thought back on the day and what a turn it all had taken. He sighed softly gazing up at the moon as he caught her serenely shining through the thin slits of the barred window to his side.

"I really don't understand what you want with me" he thought out loud "they say when the Gods close all the doors, somewhere they open a window. I hope you are gonna do that for me too, right?"

The night silvered more till purple and crimson nipped at the horizon declaring the sun's oncoming and Seokjin didn't even realize when he had fallen asleep.

He wasn't aware when Jimin stepped out of the covers to get up realizing the other had set all guards down for now and lay vulnerably asleep within arms' reach.

He took calculated steps till he was standing beside the other's bed, eyes fixated on the others pale face and bowed gently to remove the veil the other had denied to remove, finally getting a glimpse of his face.

He smirked to see how innocently stupid the other was, too child-like to even protect himself. It was difficult to believe all the stories he had heard about this omega being a threatening curse because apparently he could annihilate huge armies with a mere wave of his hand.

Surely those were made-up myths...

Male omegas being rare often had such mocking stories associated to them because almost each one had a special gift to help them protect themselves, but it takes only a little for people to create blazing rumours, just like they called him a sorcerer because he could read minds and create hallucinations.

But he had never heard of anyone who had the gift of immortality, there was certainly something about this one.

"Let's see if you really are more powerful than death" his hushed voice hovered over Seokjin who sensing the presence slowly opened his eyes, until he was wide awake in fright and hastily pushing himself back to coil into the head of the bed.

Mirage of the Moon||TaeJinWhere stories live. Discover now