Waiting To Be Found (boy X boy yaoi story) chapter 16

Start from the beginning

"why wait?" I asked. "im fine. Its just a scratch. It caught me off guard is all."

"you can try to put on a brave face, but I already tended to it. It is not a 'scratch'." he said as Hiroshima picked me up and walked towards, my guess, room 5.

The room was a lock-in room. Once they shut the door, I cant get out. So I just laid down and tried to think. They just didn't want me to stress myself. In about a week or two, I will be up and running again. Just you wait!

<><><><<a week later>><><><>

My shot wound was healing really fast. Right now I was hanging out in the living room with the guy that shot me, which I learned was called Domeki. He ended up giving me mental test to see how my reasoning was. Today was no different.

"you have one bullet, and the only way out is to shot the guy dead. If you don't, you will either die yourself, or be sold in to slavery for some sick twisted bastards. What will you do?"

I didn't even hesitate with my answer.

"surrender. I wont get killed this way. Ill just get sold."

"but you could survive and be free. All you have to do is shot him. I know you have plenty good aim."

"yeah, but its not worth it. To kill someone is a sin beyond sin. I have been fighting for years, and I have never killed one single person. I don't plan on it."

"even if you get killed? isn't your life worth more then that?" he asked, his eyes shinning sadly.

"not really. I don't have anybody, and nobody needs me. There is no real purpose for me in this world. I survive because dieing wouldn't do anything anyway."

"but isn't that a sad way of thinking?"


"but what about slavery? Surely you wouldn't want to be striped of your freedom?"

"it already happened" I said nonchalantly.

"what?!!!" he practically yelled.

"what?" I asked.

"what do you mean? you still have your freedom! You can still roam as you want! You just have to work for a different person."

"that's not what I meant."

There was a long moment of silence. I could tell he wanted me to explain. It wasn't worth it to hide it.

"I was sold by my mom when I was 13 to the Itachi clan. Turned out, my mom was in a little bit of a pinch with money. She had no other real chose. I haven't had any freedom since then. End of story. And don't you dare fell sorry for me. I didn't tell you to earn your sympathy."


"and it wasn't just clans. It was also Yakuza and politicians and rich men. I have had to deal with them all."

"what members of the yakuza?"

"Mazuki, herochi, Tomostu, koriine..."

"wait wait wait! Tomostu? Tomostu Kaishiru?!"

"yeah... and he is probably still trying to get me back. Mazuki kidnapped me back from him." I said rubbing the back of my neck. "he even had someone spying on me! Its crazy!"

"well whats so bad about Kaishiru?"

"nothing much, but I had better chooses. Mazuki said that as long as I listen to him, I could almost be free. I could roam if I wanted. I could look for..." I stopped myself. Why am I saying all of this to him?

"well did you think to talk to Kaishiru? Maybe he would do the same."

"maybe, but I couldn't take the chance."


"I just couldn't, ok?" I almost yelled.

"ok ok!" he said, but there was this thoughtful look in his eyes. What was he thinking?


Tomostu's pov.

My eyes squeezed tighter close before opening. My phone was ringing. Who the hell would call me at this time?

"what?!" I asked the future ghost on the other end of the receiver.

"what would you say if I told you I knew a way for you to get junichi back?" I sat up straight in bed.

"what do you have in mind?" I asked.

"well I happen to know the reason that he didn't want to go back to you."

"and that would be?"

"Yashiba told him that if he listened to him, he could be practically free. And the kid is looking for something or someone."


"he would rather be with you, but he cant take the chance if you don't offer him the same deal. He needs to have some freedom so he can look for this person or thing."

"so all I have to do is make the offer?"


"and this is?"

"your welcome. Bye." the person said before hanging up. Interesting.

I called up my man stationed at Mazuki's place.

"yes?" he said when he picked up the phone.

"where is junichi? I know how to get him back."

"ummm... well...."

"well what?" I said, getting impatient

"well you see... umm... he hasn't been back for over a week. And... we think ... well... we think he might be dead."


"WHAT?!!!" I screamed. My junichi, dead. How could this be? No! Not my junichi!

"he was sent on a mission earlier this week, and some people said that he was unconscious and appeared to have been shot." he explained.

No! no! not my junichi!

"find out if this is true! If he really is dead or not." I yelled into the phone before I hung up. I pulled myself into a tight ball, cradling my head. It cant be! No! my mind was spinning! I couldn't breath. I was so close, and he could be... please no! please! Please let him be alive! Please let it be a lie!


ok, so i felt like a jerk for leaving you people like that, so i tried really hard, and i worked really late and finished this chapter! if there are any mistakes, let me know! Im pretty tired, so i dont want to reread it. oh well.

what will tomostu do now that he thinks junichi is dead? how will he react when he finds out he is still alive? will he? and what about junichi? will he decide to be with tomostu in the end, or stay mazukis' prisoner?

have fun trying to figure that out! i dont even know the answers to those! or do i? hahahaha! evil me!

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