Volume 8 Chapter 3: SHLD Forces

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Lucas: So it was him who interrupted the transfer. He was trying to know our location.

Haytham: Yes. Plus, if we leave the Tower alone, they'll have the advantage on using it. That's why I blew it up.

Blake: Better no one has it, if we can't have it.

Haytham: Exactly.

Lucas: I see...

Haytham: Are we done here?

Everyone stood silent.

Haytham: Good. Now get out of my bar.

Lucas: What? Just like that? You're not even going to come and join us.

Haytham: Join you on what?

Lucas: Stopping Salem.

Haytham: For fuck's sake, this again?

Lucas: Haytham, this is different now. If we work together, we'd have a chance.

Haytham: Funny, last time I heard you say that, was before I got my wings torn off by Salem.

Blake: ... Wait... You don't have your wings anymore?

Haytham: It was a long time ago, kid.

Lucas: It was a long time ago, but this is different now. We actually have a chance.

Haytham: Lucas, we can't stop Salem. She can't die, remember. We tried it many times before and not a single time she stopped reforming.

Ruby: You took Salem on before?

Haytham: Long story short, it was how I lost my wings.

Lucas: ... What happened to your goal for freedom, Haytham?

Haytham: .... No.

Lucas: What happened to the Haytham who would just laugh at every hardships he faced?

Haytham: No!

Lucas: What happened to the Haytham who'd always cheers us up?

Haytham: Shut up!

Lucas: What happened to the Haytham I once knew?!

Haytham then slams his fist down, breaking the floor, pulling out his bow and arrow from there and then points it at Lucas' face.

(Y/N): Captain!

(Y/N) and Team RWBY ready themselves.

Lucas: Stand down.

He ordered at them as the two stare at each other for a while.

Lucas: ... Deep down, you still have hope in you... I can see that.

Haytham: Do ya?

Lucas: You wouldn't have stopped me in the coliseum if you hadn't.

Haytham: ...

Lucas: Haytham, come on. One last time. And this time, we will stop Salem. We actually have a chance this time. I'm positive.

Haytham thinks for a minute before laying down his bow and say:

Haytham: ... Get the hell out of my bar.


The group the exits the bar with Lucas having a defeated expression. As they exit the bar they then see Sonya Goodwitch, who seems to be waiting for them, outside her car that is parked next to their ship.

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