Chapter 7: Fight

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The creature laughed, and then all of a sudden it was in the air, springing at you.

You dive to the side, dodging the thing's attack. As it turns, ready for another attack, you deliver a swift toe kick to its abdomen. The creature looks startled, and angry, that you landed a hit on it. 

It recovers incredibly quickly.

The creature whips out its tail and knocks your legs from beneath you. You land on the ground, crouched. Its glowing eyes narrow and it launches itself into the air with a growl, firing strange energy discs toward you. You manage to dodge the projectiles, but a few came far too close for comfort.

This thing was clearly a fighter.

But so were you.

And you knew this... creature... was much stronger than you. You couldn't keep fighting it.

Coming to a decision, you waited till it was leaping again, and you quickly dodged to the side. The thing's momentum caused it to slam head-on into a tree, giving you the chance you were looking for to run after Eli and Krel.


You soon found Krel near the bonfire where Mary was having her party, but where separated almost instantly as another creature, this one bearing a strong resemblance to a porcupine, appeared out of nowhere and engaged your attention.

It had large, slightly glowing quills protruding from the back of its light red armour, and and a cat-like mask. The weapon of this particular creature was its claws, which were long, serrated and sharp as a butcher's knife. 

And it could use them.

Boy could it use them.

You narrowly avoid becoming mincemeat as you roll to the side at the last minute, and use the thing's forward motion to trip it up, and push it down a nearby slope, giving you a moment to breathe.

It doesn't last long though.

You race back to the bonfire, hoping you aren't too late, and find yourself face to face with a nightmare.


Four of them

Fighting right before your eyes. 




The corners of your vision start to go dark.

You feel a hard blow to the back of your head, and then nothing.


You stand on a ledge, before all of your friends, your family, everyone you know.

You want to reach out to them, but you can't.

They all turn to look at you.

Their faces are blank, except for two glowing white eyes.

You try to scream.

Every second you look at them, they become more and more.... alien.

Their skin turns grey, and wide, unnatural smiles stretch across the once familiar faces.

They begin to walk slowly towards you, coming closer and closer.

You try to run away, but you can't. 

Your feet are frozen.

They reach out for you with their cold, grey hands.

You are submerged beneath the people you once knew.


You wake up screaming. You can still feel their cold hands pulling you down...

A ray of sunlight shines briefly through the window of the room you are in.

The room has light blue walls, a desk in the far right, a fuzzy dark blue carpet, a large window with a sliding glass door that leads outside, and the bed that you are currently laying on, which has navy blue bedsheets. 

Jeez, this person really likes blue.

...Wait a second.

Where the hell are you?!?

You jump up, but as you do, you feel a blinding pain through your forehead.

Wincing, you shake it off and force yourself out into hallway.


Thanks for your support guys, it means a lot to me that people actually read the trash I call a book. I also want to thank you guys for a smile on my birthday, because your comments never fail to make me happy.


Not Quite Human  (Krel x Reader) [Unfinished/Author Working on Other Projects]Where stories live. Discover now