daddy issues | k. omega

Start from the beginning

"-i miss my family. this pandemic sucks. this is the first time i wasn't able to spend a christmas with them. the video calls aren't enough" all throughout, darling was there holding him. they gently swayed by the door of their small hotel room.

that feeling that kenny had never went away as the night passed. although not talked about anymore after a few lingering touches and reassuring words. neither of them were the type to dwell on their feelings after all. somewhere between the loneliness kenny felt on the road, years of traveling, usually alone and being used to not talking about whatever bothers him and the issues that spawned in darling's upbringing. the tension was still up in the air.

darling held him tight that night, just as he needed, not needing to actually tell her that, she always knew just what he needed, knowing him like the back of her hand.

the tight hugs he craved after big matches, win or lose to help the emptiness he felt when the adrenaline subsided. the domesticity he desired after a particularly long tour, usually greeted at the door with a kiss on the cheek and a warm homecooked meal, followed by meaningless and directionless talking at the dawn of night. there were times where this didn't happen, darling being a wrestler as well sometimes being booked incomplimentarily to how he is but he wanted it all the same, besides, she always made up for it when she got home.

this night was different from those though, a little deeper and a little more personal, kenny having a very close relationship with his family members. not being able to see them for christmas didn't sit well for him but it wasn't like there was something that he could do other than to just suck it up and do whatever he was able to.

neither of them was able to sleep that night. darling just being the big spoon for a change and kenny helplessly leaning into her warm embrace. no words were uttered between them either, just communicating through the sound of silence and the slow, relaxed thumping of their beating hearts in the room.

after a while, kenny broke the silence, turning around to face her. his legs mindlessly going to snake around hers again and get tangled up in each other and darling's arms remained around his big frame.

darling smiled warmly at him, offering what she could at her pained boyfriend. her hands momentarily drifted away from his body and to his face, brushing away the curls that were messily framing it before returning to wrap it around him, limply hanging by his back.

he cleared his throat, starting to speak. "we're in this for the long run, right?"

she muttered a small "yeah", voice a little softer and kinder than her usual loud and harsh tone.

kenny picked up her hand from around his back and kissed her knuckles, eyes on her, then drifting behind her at the wall, focusing on the painting there. the deep blue sea, all in different hues in different parts, the crest of the mild waves a shade of white with bits of dark blue speckled in and that same shade of blue in most parts of the painting. the way the red of the sky meshed with the yellows and the pinks. how well the two contrasting colors of blue and red, usually seen as polar opposites, managed to coexist and result in a magnificent piece of art.

he tried to find the words as he spoke, still not meeting her eyes. "i think it's time i meet your parents" he was calculated, not wanting to scare her away with his proposal. maybe she actually wasn't as serious as he thought or as he was.

her eyes was panicked, wide and mouth agape but she was calm when she spoke, not wanting him to have the wrong idea. maybe if things were different. "i don't think that's a good idea" she trailed off, slightly pulling away from their bodies pressed together.

darling was speechless, not at kenny's idea, of course but at how to tell him the way things were with her and her family because the way kenny was with his and the way she was with hers was completely different.

kenny was hurt though he didn't speak of it, most of all, he was curious. they have already talked about marriage and children yet darling oddly still didn't want him to meet her parents.

understandingly he nodded, swallowing the lump of dismay and disappointment down his throat. "when can i meet them then?" he didn't want to be pushy or rush into things but he wanted to know where he stood with her at all times.

"i don't.. know... if you ever will" she silently replied, much to kenny's dismay. the built up sadness he was feeling during the past few weeks turning into frustration.

"but we're serious. we've already talked about marriage but you're still not ready for that?" he asks in disbelief.

darling shook her head before standing up and pacing around the room. "you.. don't understand kenny. me and my family... it's not like yours-"

kenny sat up in interest, patiently staring at her while she walked around the room, a nervous tick she had.

"-we're distant, i guess. you and your family.. you guys are really close and tight knit but that's not really something i grew up with... my parents, they've always disapproved of everything i took an interest in. they weren't supportive like yours. i told my parents that i wanted to be a wrestler-" she stopped for a moment, biting her lip as she told kenny one of the most painful experiences in her life.

"-and my dad laughed in my face and told me i wouldn't be able to do it. they weren't cheering in the sidelines like yours. you know me and my dad, we had a close relationship when i was really young. we had so many pictures of me lying on his stomach as a baby but as i got older that relationship burned down. and he didn't just disappear either, it just turned sour but.. i never knew that he would say that to me, his little princess. my dad was the first boy to break my heart, kenny-"

"-when i graduated high school, you would think that the parents would have the decency to show up-" she laughed bitterly.

"-oh how wrong i was. one of my classmates even asked where my parents were. do you know how humiliating it is to look her in the eyes and tell her that they went to the mall while i'm getting my diploma?-" she sadly said looking down on the red carpet of the floor.

"-when i moved here to america, i told myself i would cut them off my life, that would be the best for me and mental health but guess what-" she laughed again angrily.

"-i didn't. i wanted to be the perfect little daughter despite the things that they did. i told them that i'm this big time wrestler now and i would be able to financially aid them if they ever needed it and they freaked out, like how i expected them to. this was five years ago, kenny and i haven't talked to them since. they haven't made the effort to reconnect and neither did i. i'm not planning on reconnecting anytime soon-"

she sighed heavily when she was done ranting, shoulders hunched with the stress after reliving the things that her parents did when she was younger. "-look kenny, i know that you're this family guy and that those kinds of things are important to you but i'm not really too keen about talking to my parents anytime soon. if they reached out to me to apologize, which i seriously doubt they'll do, then maybe i'll consider it but for now, it-it's not happening no matter how serious we are. i hope you can respect that." she finished off.

kenny was looking at her, sadness in his eyes at her story and nodded. "of course, darling. i understand. i'm sorry they put you through all that, you-you don't deserve all those." he said standing up to hug her.

"it's alright kenny, i've gotten over it for the most part. it's fine"

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