The Case of the Carried Off Chocolates

Start from the beginning

"Or chocolate bunnies!" Keith shouted.

The crowd of Trolls began to clamor in horror as they talked about what would life be for them without chocolates.

Poppy then admitted, "Okay, okay, I can take it all back. Chocolates are important, and I don't think they just disappeared all of a sudden. Obviously, someone stole them all and wanted to take the chocolates for him or herself."

"Well, let's find out," Synth said when he stepped forward with Poppy moving aside. He made his hair in a megaphone, and shouted through it, "Which one of you is the culprit?!" the feedback sound of Synth's hair megaphone made the Trolls cover their ears, and no one spoke who did the crime, "I know you're there!" Synth shouted again, making the Trolls cover their ears again.

Branch made the Techno ambassador stop by karate-chopping between Synth's hair and hand.

"What we need is a detective that can solve this mystery," Branch suggested.

"Ayn' ay know thay ...err raheet Troll faw thay ...err job," Holly then cupped her fingers and let out a shrill whistle.

Suddenly, the four trolls heard rapid galloping as Buckaroo leaped onto the stage with Poppy, Branch, and the ambassadors, tipping her hat while saying "You call?"

"Buckaroo, you're a detective?" Poppy asked in surprised.

"Only the best detective in all ov Lonesome Flats," Holly giggled

"Yep, that there Buckaroo is thay ...uhh greatest detective there is," Gust added when he spoke through the crowd.

"Buckaroo, we have a chocolate crisis here. They are all gone," Branch told the detective Country Troll.

"Yes, ay have done heard, ayn' there's naw mystery ay can't solve," Buckaroo declared as she pulled out her magnifying glass from her pocket, "Buckaroo Ringer is on thay ...uhh case!"

Buckaroo: Ay'm gonna get to the bottom of this. Ay'm gonna catch me ayy thief!
Ay'm gonna get to the bottom of this. That's my firm belief!
Whoever you are, ay'm right behind ya! Bet your hooves!
Ay'm gonna find ya! Ay'm gonna get to the bottom of this.

Ay'm gonna catch me ayy thief!

Chocolates! Everyone wants ayy bite.

Ay'm gonna find it! Ay won't stop looking, Day aw naheet!
Oh, ay'm gonna get to the bottom of this and put an end to ya grief.
Ay'm gonna get to the bottom of this. Ay'm gonna catch me ayy thief!

If ya think that you can run from me, well, start to second-guess.
'Cause once Ay get ya under the light, one way or another, ya gonna confess!

Ay'm gonna get to the bottom of this and bring back some relief.
Ay'm gonna get to the bottom of this. That's my firm belief!
Ay'll find out what, where, when, why, how, and who. You can out on Detective Buckaroo.
Oh, ay'm gonna get to the bottom of this. Ay'm gonna catch me ayy thief!

Ay won't stop searching till all chocolates are found.
And if ya try to stop me, then put 'em up!
'Cause, this gerl won't back down!

Oh, ay'm gonna get to the bottom of this. That's my firm belief!
Ay'm gonna get to the bottom of this. Ay'm gonna catch me ayy thief!


At Holly's kitchen, Buckaroo looked on the kitchen floor through her magnifying glass to look for clues, "Hmm,"

Trollstopia Season 1Where stories live. Discover now