"It's fine I'll buy a new one... Somehow the thing I needed the most was to punch my laptop keyboard."

"Not that hard you didn't! There's a literal dent in your keyboard and your knuckles are cut up."

"O h." Chan chuckles when I notice my hand is slightly bleeding and stands up. "Come on you idiot." I sigh and follow behind him into the bathroom. "I wasnt even gonna post it... Like ever."

"You can take it down on my laptop if you really want to. Just let me sort out your knuckles."

"I can do it-"

"No I'm doing it." He sits me down on the toilet lid and I pout a bit. "I'm not a baby."

"You're my ickle baby."

"Well Minho's already claimed my ass apparently so you have all of my other body parts." He wiggles his eyebrows and then remembers I can't see that and smiles to himself. "I'll take your heart please."



"THIS IS SACRILEGIOUS MY BrOtHeR!" He laughs and crouches down in front of me as I chuckle. I lean forward and hug him into my little comfy ball. "I love you Channie."

"I love you too Kai."


"Yup. I've decided your stage name." My expression turns sad as I keep my face hidden and he squeezes my shins. "Come on I gotta clean those knuckles before you bleed on me."

"One more minute." He frowns and pulls out of the hug to see my eyes are teary. "I-"

"PLEASE tell me what's wrong Kei... I'm not stupid. You overdosed on alcohol, you asked the weird nineth member question and you've been trying to tell me something for a while and I know this isn't about a song... Tell me, Keiko." I feel bad when I think about how patient he's been with me if he knew everything the whole time and cover my face with my hands because I'm too embarrassed to let him see me. "I'm never going to become an idol and it's all my fault and there's no point in me even being like this when it's because of me that I'm not going to become an idol."

"That's not true-"

"JYP keeps on giving me opportunities. He told me he would be glad to have me as a trainee, then he even paid for me to produce your guys songs and choreograph your dances and then he even told me I could join an already formed group and kept on pushing for me to do it and I turned him down again."

"...WHY Kei?"

"...I didn't want to lose anyone." A sob escapes my lips and he gently hugs me into him. "You wouldn't lose anyone dummy."

"Yes I would~! I'd become too busy and we would all drift apart and if I joined... It wouldn't work either way!"

"You can't put us before your dreams Kei!"

"The hell I can't!! If it wasn't for all of you I would be six feet under in some shit coffin by now!!" He frowns as tears run down my face and keeps stroking my hair. "We'd still see you silly."

"No you wouldn't... I'm not interesting enough for someone to actively seek me out."

"What about us trying to have a sleepover with you then? Or when we all played call of duty together and waited for you because we all wanted to play with YOU?"

"I don't know... I don't know why... It probably makes you feel better about yourself?"

"What? Because you're blind? Oh Kei our helpless child let's play with him so it feels like we're charity?" I whimper at the words and he squeezes me into him when he realises that's exactly what I was thinking. "Don't be stupid. We do this stuff because we love you and we want to spend time with you. We love hanging out with you. Hell I love just watching you sit down and eat let alone play with you." I chuckle a tiny bit and wipe my face with my fists. "That's creepy hyung." He smiles at my little smile and pinches my sides. "WELL THAT'S HOW MUCH I LOVE YOU OKAY?"

"AH NO!" I grab his hands and he rests his head in my lap. "If only you debuted with us it'd be perfect." I look at him shocked and he looks up and kisses my forehead. "Knuckles come on."

"You know?"

"Know what?"

"Y-you don't know?"


"...Nevermind. It's not important. Do my knuckles slave." He scoffs and bites my fingers on my non-injured hand before giggling at my shocked expression. "Okay imma beat you up after."

"Oh yah?"

"Yah. I don't pay you for this shit." He laughs as he cleans off my knuckles and I rub my eyes with my other hand. "You want be an idol right?" I nod. "Then go for it. JYP doesn't just hand out this many job opportunities." I stay quiet as he puts a bandage over my knuckles and be stands up when he's done. "We're all gonna sleep in the lounge tonight so we can all watch your music video." I nod anxiously and he drags me behind him.

Hidden Light | Male reader/OC POV X Stray KidsWhere stories live. Discover now