1- Tommy

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"This is it, gentlemen. Today is the day that will decide our fates," Wilbur said, leaning towards them with a hopeful grin on his face. "Either we take down that tyrannical king or die trying!"

"Hear hear!" Tommy shouted, pumping his fist in the air. Their comrades did the same, the small room filled with whoops and hollers. Fundy even had the nerve to tilt his head to the ceiling and howl, causing the room to erupt in laughter.

"I can't believe this is actually happening," Tubbo exclaimed. Tommy looked at his best friend with an identical smile.

"You'd better believe it!" he said, the smile on his face stretching so wide that it hurt. They had spent months organizing the Rebellion for this night, for this very moment. For years, King Dream had ruled over the land as far as the eye could see with an iron fist. His word was law and to go against the king was surely certain death. Tommy cracked a grin at the irony of the situation. He had worked so hard to keep this rebellion a secret from Dream, to ensure that he and the other rebels could have a chance at a life without a dictator.

"Tommy," Wilbur said, coming up behind Tommy and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. "I want you to know just how proud I am of you. You have put so much effort into making this rebellion a reality and it shows."

"Thanks," Tommy said, the warm feeling of pride blooming in his chest. "I won't let you down."

"I know you won't, little brother," Wilbur said with a smile before clapping his back and turning to address the rebels. "Gentlemen! Once these doors open, our assassination will be set in motion. Tonight, we free ourselves from the shackles of the monarchy. Tonight, we kill the king!"

Roars and shouts met his words, Tommy screaming louder than them all. Wilbur turned away from them and thrust the doors of the small antechamber open, allowing the rebels to enter into the war room. Armor stands with shimmering purple armor lined the walls, netherite swords hung on the walls, and chests were stocked with every potion imaginable.

The mood in the room quickly shifted to a more serious tone as the reality of the situation set in. As he laced his armor up, Tommy quickly went over the plan in his head.

Tonight was Dream's birthday and as such, a grand feast was being held at the castle. Wine would be abundant and security would be loose. After all, it was a time of celebration. The rebels would scale the obsidian walls of the castle then split up. Tommy was to lead a little less than half of their forces around the eastern side of the castle where the guard's barracks were located. They would keep the guards distracted while Wilbur and Eret led small teams into the castle to find and eliminate the king.

"Here, let me help," Tubbo said, helping Tommy with the back straps when he saw that his friend was struggling.

"Thanks Tubbo," Tommy replied, truly meaning it. He and Tubbo had been best friends since... well, forever. Tommy couldn't imagine his life without Tubbo in it and he was grateful that his closest friend was able to share this revolutionary moment with him.

"Tubbo," Tommy said, turning back to face his friend. "Just... be careful, okay?"

"Of course!" Tubbo beamed at him. "You'd better watch out for yourself as well big man!"

"Yeah," he nodded, focusing his attention on readjusting his armor. His eyes swept the room and he spotted Wilbur talking to Niki in the corner. A large part of their plan weighed heavily on her shoulders. Niki was a co-owner of one of the most prosperous taverns in the kingdom, a place situated at the center of the town surrounding the castle. For the king's celebration, her tavern was to supply the castle with barrels of their finest mead. Niki, with her friend and business partner, Minx, had brewed an extra strong batch for the feast, adding in a few of her special ingredients to make certain that any drinkers would become considerably less aware of their surroundings. It was bloody brilliant, actually.

"Everyone ready?" Wilbur called out. Tommy looked to his older brother, surprised to see that he had donned full netherite armor. Wilbur never wore armor.

"Oh my god," Tommy said with a nervous laugh. "We're actually doing this."

"Down with the tyrant, eh?" Tubbo said, sharing in Tommy's nervous excitement.

"Yeah," Tommy nodded, grabbing a sword from the wall and sliding it in the sheath at his side. "Down with the king." 

Down with the King- Dream SMPDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora