Luke Hemmings imagine

Start bij het begin

You can sense the worry in Luke's voice now.

You shake your head, "I'd never cheat on you, Luke."

"Then what is it? Please tell me, babe. I promise you, whatever it is, we'll work it out together. I'm here for you, okay?"

You look into Luke's eyes, as tears form with worry; you search his face, looking for any sign of him lying, but Luke was never the one to lie to you at all...

You take another deep breath and say, "Luke.......I'm pregnant."

Luke doesn't say anything for a moment, which makes you feel very anxious.

You sob quietly, "I'm sorry, Luke. I'm so sorry!"

Luke releases one of his hands from yours and cups your face gently, soothingly stroking away the tears as he smiles, "Heyy.... What are you sorry for, Y/N? That's amazing!!"

You sniffle, "Really? You're not mad??"

"Mad?? I mean it took a minute for it to sink in but no! I'm the opposite! Why on earth would I be mad?"

"Because I don't want this to ruin what you've got with the band, but I don't want it to ruin us either......"

"Of course it won't! Why would it? How far along are you?"

"I dunno, two weeks, maybe just over?"

"So.....that's why you haven't eaten properly.....and being ill all the time...and why you kept looking at me weirdly...?"

"Yuup, haha. I was worried that I was having a bump and you may have noticed but it was too early for a bump to come through...."

"Babe, why didn't you tell me when you found out?"

"Because I was terrified of you freaking out because we didn't exactly plan it; and then I thought I was gonna be losing you or this ruining everything..."

"It won't, I promise you. Y/N, there's a little baby growing inside you; half me, half you. And I honestly couldn't be more happier."

"You don't think it's too soon..?"

"I don't care, either way I always wanted to have kids with you, babe. I promise you, I'm gonna be there with you every step of the way."

"Do you think the boys will understand?"

"You kidding? Hearing they'll be uncles, giving them a reason to act more childish than what they already do? They'll be just as thrilled as we are."

Luke leans over and gives you a soft kiss, both of you smiling under it.

Luke pulls away and then places both his hands gently on your stomach smiling, "Hey there, it's your daddy. Just wanted to say you're gonna be hearing my voice a lot. Whether you're a boy or a girl, I don't care; you're going to be loved either way and I'm gonna teach you how to play guitar and everything and you can see daddy performing in his band with your uncles, I'm gonna be the one singing you to sleep at night when you have a bad dream because mummy can't sing--"

You giggle, "Oi!"

Luke chuckles and then continues, "Anyway, I hope these 9 months fly by so I can finally see your beautiful face, just like your mummy's."

You couldn't help but smile as you watched Luke talking to your stomach, he was taking this surprisingly well......looks like you were worrying for nothing.

But the only thing that did worry you was how this was going to affect Luke and the band......

*few years later..*

Turns out that you and Luke had a baby girl, Y/D/N.
She's now 5 years old and she's everything you and Luke imagined.
She has your smile, and your long *your coloured hair* hair, along with Luke's eyes and cute little nose.
She's like a little ball of sunshine.
Uncles Ashton, Michael and Calum love having the excuse of playing with Y/D/N in order to act like 5 year olds. Like Luke said, he sings Y/D/N to sleep whenever she wakes up from a bad dream, it's gotten to the point where she knows some of the band's songs.
When she first sang Beside You, Luke knew that she was going to grow up singing - guess she got his musical talents too.

Luke always said, "I've got the two most important girls in my life, right here. Well, my mum too but she's not here so yeah, you two are always my girls."

During the end of your pregnancy, Luke told the boys that he wanted to take a break from the band for a year or so, just so he could spend time with you and his baby girl.
Thankfully, the boys were totally supportive, turns out they all wanted a bit of a break too.
So, after a 2 year break, and after you finally managing to convince Luke that he could go back to 5SOS, the boys were back to touring and performing.

Once Y/D/N was able to get the hang of talking, she would endlessly ask you if you could take her to watch daddy and the uncles perform.
But you knew she was too young, so you just smiled "when you're a little bit older sweetheart, because it'll be very loud."
Thankfully, she didn't throw a tantrum or anything, just nodded and continued playing with her dolls.
When she reached the age of 4, Luke thought that it was okay for her to come to the gigs, and if you didn't feel that she was ready, you could always hang out backstage or in the dressing room; which Y/D/N seemed to find just as fun, always pulling you around backstage on her little adventures.

But now she's the age of 5, and you can tell she really wants to see Luke perform.
You have a look at the setlist that was left on one of the dressing tables to see what the next song was that they were going to perform - Amnesia. Perfect, not a loud song so it won't destroy her ears.

You say, "Y/D/N, dyou want to see daddy singing to everyone?"

She gasps, "Will Uncle Calum, Uncle Mikey and Uncle Ashton be singing too?"

"Yes, they will, wanna go see?"

She squealed in excitement so you took that as a yes. You took her hand and began walking out to the side of the stage.

Once you approached the side of the stage, you pulled Y/D/N to stand infront of you so she could get a perfect view of the boys on the stage.

Right now, Calum was singing, whilst Michael was sitting plucking the guitar, whilst Ashton was at his drum kit, and Luke was sitting on the side of Michael, facing you.

He must've been daydreaming because he only noticed you and Y/D/N after she squealed, "Daddy!!!!!!"

He looked over and instantly grinned at the sight of you both, he gave a little wave, causing Uncle Ashton and Uncle Mikey to turn their heads in your direction and also give you a grinning wave.

You both wave back, Y/D/N practically jumping on a spot as she was actually watching her dad and uncles singing.

Luke waved at you and then to Y/D/N, bringing your attention back to him as he then mouthed the words, "I Love You"

You mouthed back, "Love you too"

Whilst Y/D/N squealed again, "I love you daddy!!!!!!"

A huge grin appeared on Luke's face as he blew a kiss to you both before getting up to sing the chorus: "I remember the day you told me you were leaving..."

You couldn't help but think back to when you were pregnant and were telling Luke the news, petrified that he was going to turn around and say that he was leaving you.
But he didn't...

5SOS Imagines Book One☺️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu