﹀.﹀A Killing Game!?﹀.﹀

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"...I can't keep track of these backstories." Monosuke says in annoyance. "Wh-Whatever they are, they better kill off the uggos and save me for last!" Miu screeches. "Run, Himiko!" Kokichi yells to Himiko. "Why are you concerned about me all of a sudden?" Himiko asks Kokichi with sweat on her face.

"Hm, didn't someone say they would "kick all their asses"?" Maki teases. "Hmmm, I wonder who." I say, looking directly at Kaito. "Wh-What the hell!? Nobody told me about these!" Kaito defends himself. "Alright, chill out, no need to panic... We're probably not in any danger." Rantaro says calmly.

"If they wanted to kill us, they'd have done it by now." Rantaro continues. With that, Rantaro casually walked up to the Exisals. "So...what do you want from us?" He asks the Monokubs.
"You clearly want something, that's what the guns are for, right?" Rantaro overloads them with questions.

"Let me guess. You're gonna force us to do something, and if we don't, we get hurt." Rantaro explains his guess. "Well, you have our attention. So, what do you want?" Rantaro smiles. "Huh. Well aren't you a wiseguy?" Monosuke speaks.

"I'll start us off! Listen up! Here's what we want you punkasses to do..." Monokid says. "Hahhhhh! My heart's goin' 100 miles per hour! I'm gonna say it! You ready!?" Monokid cheers. "Hell yeah! It's a-" Monokid says before getting interrupted.

"KILLING-GAME." Monodam interrupts the other Monokub. "What the hell is that supposed to mean!" I ask, alertedly.
"...What?" Kaede asks. "M-M-Monodam! How DARE you upstage me!" Monokid scolds Monodam. "W-Wait a second. What did you say?" Tenko asks worriedly."I-If I heard him correctly-" Keebo says before getting interrupted.

"KILLING-GAME." Monodam interrupts again."Oh! He said it again!" Monotaro notices. "Grrrrrrr! God damn it, Monodam! I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" Monokid threatens Monodam.

"C'mon, we don't have time to fight amongst ourselves." Monophanie scolds Monokid. "Yeah! If you don't stop fighting, I'm gonna crush you with this here Exisal!" Monotaro threatens.
"You too, Monotaro?" Monophanie disappointedly asks Monotaro.

"If this what it's come to, then I will crush the four of you with this here Exisal!" Monophanie threatens. "Hey! Why are you including me!?" Monosuke whines. "Oh well! It's more appropiate for us to be hostile to each other!" Monosuke cheers.

"You wanna go, jabroni!?" Monotaro barks at Monokid. "Who you callin' jabroni, jabroni!?" Monokid growls back. "What'd you say, jabroni!?" Monosuke snarls. "I'll throw down any time, jabroni! Check yourself before you wreck yourself!" Monophanie grunts.

"S-Seriously!? Are they gonna get it on right in front of us!?" Miu asks outloud. "Don't worry. Atua is watching over us." Angie reassures Miu. "In a situation like this, is he just going to watch!?" Tsumugi asks worriedly. "Either way, it's too dangerous! We need to get out of here or else-" Keebo speaks, before getting interrupted.

"Now, now, now..." An unknown voice speaks. "What?" Kaede asks, probably wondering who's voice it belonged to. "My cute little cubs... You gotta knock off this awful fighting..." The voice speaks again. "Oh! That voice!" Monophanie squeals in excitement.
The Monokubs hop out of the Exisals and go to the stage on the gym.
"Father!? Father, is that you!?" Monotaro asks outloud. "Papa Kuma! Papa Kumaaaaa!" Monokid sang.

"Daddy!? Where are you, Daddy!?" Monophanie asks excitedly. "D-Daddy?" Kaede asks. "Oh, shit. Kaede, don't tell me you're the sixth Monokub.." I say, looking straight at her with my arms crossed. "No! I'm not a Monokub!" Kaede responds defensively.

At that moment, the light in the gymnasium suddenly shut off...And out of the podium came out another bear, with his left half being white and the other half being black. "I am the god of this world..." The new bear says. "...and the headmaster of the Ultimate Academy!" The bear continues.

I Love You, Dork. [Shuichi Saihara x Female Reader]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن